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Junkyu was silently scrolling his phone while the drunk man next to him fell asleep, well he couldnt care less as he seem to be sober now and can order the driver.. He almost regretted saving him on seeing how well his condition was, (almostt regret)

After a while , the driver stopped at the place where the man told him to drop off but he was still asleep, junkyu was frustrated as it was getting late and he got delayed by this man and even had to wait him to get off first, "hey! wake up !" junkyu shooks the man and he moves around the seat frowning with eyes close , after a while he opens the door and walks out closing the door, he was about to walk away when junkyu shouts from the window, "hey! mister, pay for your own ride!".. he turns back and looked at him annoyed, he sighs and slowly walks towards him , he then took out his wallet and takes his card out , throwing it to junkyu , junkyu was surprised and quickly catched it before it fell, he quickly gave the driver to pay for the ride up to the current place and after the driver gave it back to junkyu, he was looking out from the window to give the man back his card but he was gone...

Junkyu hurriedly wents out of the cab and looks around but saw no one, he panicks as he was holding a strangers card and was afraid that he would be accused of stealing later, he wanted to search for him but he was unfamiliar with the place and the driver was about to leave so he uncomfortably kept the card with him...

On the other hand, the drunk man was on the elevator of his huge and enormous building, when he reached the 9th floor he took off, he types his passcode and enters his large apartment , he took off his coat and drops it on the floor, then a robot came and pick it up..He took a shower to freshen himself and ate the dinner that he ordered, While he was silently enjoying his dinner , his phone rang, "what happened?" a worried voice was speaking on the phone as soon as he answered making him close his eyes annoyed, he turned on the speaker and placed it on the table, "nothing.. i felt bored and left it besides i have work tommorow!" he carelessly said, "but those men that we bumped on before we entered the club followed you right away after u left!" he said again being worried, "hey! who do u think i am? i am the Watanbe Haruto! i taught those guys a good lesson while all they could give me was a one lame punch!" he proudly said earning a sigh from the latter...

"so you did get into a fight! aigoo! what are you? 18 ? haruto for goodness sake you are a f**king CEO, if the media knows about this your'e done for, and think about your father , what will he think if he saw negative articles about you huh?" the man gave him a frustrated nag making haruto roll his eyes over the phone, "shut up! yoshi! it was a quiet valley, no one was the..." haruto stops thinking back, there was actually one person, the one who claimed to save him, he was so out of it that he completely forgot about it..

"hey!! why are you quiet? did someone saw you? dont tell me..." yoshi got nervous and haruto just shook his head not wanting to care about it, " dont worry..it was just some random young man! he wont do any harm!" he gots up to wash his hands, "wait whatt??? someone actually saw you?? haruto!! how many times should i say this!! dont get into fights!! what would the people thought if they saw a grown up man who owns a big company getting into fights huh? ! we would lose all our investors and customers!! and we will..." before he continued haruto ends the call being annoyed ...

He heavily walks up to his bed and plops down, as he was thinking back about what happened, he remebers punching those men and then suddenly a man came out of nowhere and punched him down, since he was drunk, he quickly got knocked out and then when he wakes up he was in a cab, he saw a man who claimed to save him and remebers he work at W&A, and then he even left his card to him but it wasnt a big deal as he had lots of other cards, but what if that man gossips? he thought to himself frustrated, it was such a long day and another long day is waiting for him so he didnt want any further distractions and went to sleep...

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