●Chapter Two●

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When we got to Shinzen, where the camp was taking place, we unloaded the bus of people and bags and waited for further directions from Coach and Takeda. 

"Oh boy we're finally here! I'm so excited!" Hinata jumped around. 

"Just don't get sick like you usually do, you freak." And there's Kageyama's snide remark. 

"Alright guys, let's head to the dorm building so we can get you all set up." Takeda said. We all followed him to the building. 

Our team was on floor 3, each team has their own. 

"There's 5 rooms on the floor. Takeda and I will get one, first years get a room, second years get a room, and third years get a room, and Yachi and Kiyoko get their own room. I find out anyone was in the girl's room, I will cut you from the team." Coach shot a glare at our two team pervs; Tanaka and Noya. 

"Yes sir!" Noya yelled. Tanaka followed him in a completely unnecessary salute. What is this, the military?

Soon enough, we all went our separate ways to get things set up. Honestly I'm glad that it's just me, Daichi, and Noya in a room. Less chance for people to see my self harm marks and breakdowns. I also noticed we got the room right across from the bathroom, which is convenient. 

"So, you guys excited?" Daichi asked. 

"Yes, it's our last year. I'm gonna get all the time I can as the ace." Asahi answered. 

"Yeah." I gave a simple one word reply. It was mostly quiet after that, other than the occasional sound after one of us tripped over something or asked for help. 

After awhile, Coach came to tell us we needed to get to the courts, so to change into practice gear. I, thankfully, was already in my practice stuff. I grabbed my gym bag, which held my water bottle, pain meds, and an extra roll of bandages along with things to clean cuts. 

"I'm headed out, meet you outside." I said. I didn't wait for a reply, just walked out and sat outside the building. 

While I was sitting outside, I saw Nekoma coming out as well. 

"Hey, Suga." Kuroo said as he stood beside me. 

"Hey, how's it been!" I looked up to him. 

"Not bad, yourself." 

"Been worse." I replied. 

"Been there. You ready to get your ass kicked?" He laughed. 

"Kuroo, be nice, Jesus. Sorry about him." Kenma jumped up to smack him in the back of the head. Their height difference is adorable, though not as bad as Asahi and Noya. 

"Oh cool it, Kenma, friendly competition is nothing to worry about. Right, Suga?" 

"R-right." I agreed. I didn't care, but it wasn't me that would get my ass kicked, it's Kageyama and Hinata. I know Daichi wants to put me in more but...as of now, I'm not expecting to be on the court unless I'm subbing. 

Soon enough, the rest of my team had come out like a crazy tornado. Hinata jumping and fidgeting from anxiety, Tanaka and Noya being the goofy pervs they are, Tsukki and Yamaguchi are talking. Well...Yamaguchi is talking, Tsukki seems to be ignoring. 

"Get ready to lose, ya damn birds." Kuroo teased. 

"Oh you fuck off, ya damn cat!" Tanaka shouted back. Of course Tanaka would get riled up. It's gonna be a great two weeks. 

We all walked over to the gym together, where two nets were set up. On a big white board, there were listings for every team and what scores they got against each team for the day. And at the top of the board was our punishment for the day - Flying leaps. Fun. And I already know we're going to lose a lot. It's expected, seeing that we're up against four of the strongest teams in Japan. 

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