●Chapter Thirty-One●

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When I woke up, Daichi was already awake. He was sitting there playing on his phone. 

"Good morning." I yawned. 

"Good morning love, how'd you sleep?" He asked as he kissed me. 

"Not bad, you?"

"Same. Are you ready for our last day? And are you ready to go home?"

"I'm not entirely ready to go home, but I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"Unfortunately, no." He said, starting to get all his things packed so it's ready to go later. I got up and did the same after I got dressed. I made the excuse that I needed to use the bathroom so I could get these bandages off before anyone saw them. 

Kuroo and Kenma went to get their things all packed before breakfast as well. Once we were all packed up, we headed outside to wait for the others in our little group. That only took forever. We all walked over to breakfast together, talking about how sad we were to be going home. I was more scared than sad. Scared I'll just fall right back into cutting, scared of being alone. Though, maybe for at least tonight I didn't need to be alone. 

"Hey, Daichi?" 

"Yes, babes?" 

"When we get home...can you spend the night?" 

"I planned to, if I'm being honest." Oh. Okay then. Though, he probably is only doing so so he can snatch anything I could possibly self harm with. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. 

"Oh, thank you." I gave a small smile. He smiled back, grabbing my hand in his and swinging them as we walked. 


At the gym, we saw that no nets were up and the whiteboard was blank. The fuck? 

The coaches gathered at the front of the group of the five teams. 

"Alright everyone. As you probably noticed as soon as you walked in, the nets aren't up. We're not playing today. Today is a complete relax day. You guys worked incredibly hard these past two weeks, I'm proud of the progress each and every one of you has made. So, do whatever you feel like. Sit and talk with your friends, play on your phones, whatever. Around noon we'll be having a cookout outside as well. That's all, dismissed." Nekoma's coach spoke. Cool, we can do whatever the hell we want. So, Kenma, Kuroo, Daichi, Bokuto, Akaashi, Asahi, and Noya met around the side of the building to sit and hang out and smoke a bit. We got high as hell and died laughing together, making jokes and talking absolute nonsense. 

Before we knew it, it was lunch time and food was ready around the other side of the building. We walked that way and found a good majority of the rest of the players starting to line up for food, so we joined them. I grabbed a pulled pork sandwich and also grabbed a second smaller plate for some watermelon and strawberries. We took our food and sat back around the corner where we were. Coach actually came to join us. 

"Ukai, what's up?" Kuroo asked. 

"Just chilling. Figured I'd chill with the fun group." He laughed as he sat down against the wall. He still acts like a high schooler sometimes, I swear to God. 

"Well, while you're here, wanna get high like the rest of us?" Kenma asked. 

"As long as four eyes don't find out." He said, referring to Takeda. I'm sure none of us would snitch him out. But holy fuck, he smokes? Well...That doesn't necessarily surprise me. He smokes regular cigarettes often, but who says there's not weed mixed in them to keep him calm. 

He joined in with the jokes and laughs. It was honestly really fun. We spent pretty much the whole day chilling. 

Unfortunately, the time to start cleaning up to leave had arrived. We all pitched in to help clean inside and outside the gym. Once that was done, we said our goodbyes, grabbed our things, and got loaded onto our bus to go back home. 

I came here cutting nearly daily, single, hating everything in my life. But the way I'm leaving? I'm starting to get better. I have the most absolutely amazing and sweet boyfriend anyone could ever ask for, made some amazing new friends, and have things set up for therapy as well. I never thought it could get better. But hey, guess I was just a little bit wrong

Word Count;744

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