●Chapter Three●

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When I woke up, Daichi was still right beside me, except now he also had some tears running down his face. 

They're fake, he doesn't care.

"Suga...Can you hear me?" I heard his voice quietly. It sounded echoey too. 


"It's okay, I'm right here." He ran his fingers through my hair. When I felt like I could, I moved to try and sit up, and was able to with a little help from Daichi. 

"I'm sorry…"

"Don't apologize, you can't control your emotions." He said. I just nodded, I didn't feel like fighting anymore. I sat there and sobbed as Daichi held me and rubbed my back, telling me everything would be alright. 

"I'm exhausted…" I whispered. 

"I know, Asahi is gonna be in the second year room, so it's just us in here tonight. Why don't you lay down and get some sleep." 

"If I can even sleep." I said. I went over to my blankets and pillow and tried to get comfortable. Daichi moved his stuff to be right next to me. He grabbed my hand, reassuring me he was there and wasn't planning on leaving. I moved closer to him. He didn't move away like I thought he would, he held out his arms for me to be wrapped in them. 

"Thank you." I said quietly. 

"No problem. I love you." He whispered the last part so quietly, trying not to let me hear. 

"Hm?" I asked. 

"O-oh...Nothing…" he played it off. He didn't want me to hear. I have to admit though, I love him too. My Pan ass has a crush on his kind heart, his strength, his intelligence, everything about him. 

Eventually, we both drifted off to sleep. 


The next morning, we all had to be up by 7 so we could go to breakfast at 7:30 and then hit the courts at 8:30. 

Daichi helped me wrap my cuts up so the bandages would last all day. We got dressed and met the rest of the team outside so we could head to breakfast together. 

"How was last night's practice?" Daichi turned to Asahi and Noya. 

"Not awful, I couldn't get any serves past him though. That's what I'm working on. I wanna be a service ace." 

"I'm just too fast, get one of the other Libero's to help, maybe you'll get them past then." Noya got cocky. Usually, cocky doesn't work, but on him it does. 

"You think they'd wanna help another team?" Asahi wondered. 

"Dude, Tsukki, Hinata, Bokuto, Kenma, and Kuroo were all training together."

"Tsukki? Put extra effort in?" I joked. 

"Oh shut it, it's not like I did much. They needed a blocker." Tsukki rolled his eyes at me. 

"Oh, Tsukishima, I wanted to ask you about something." Daichi slowed to his pace. 

"Hm?" He sounded annoyed. 

"Today, I'm gonna have you and Suga start again at some point. Let's try to use your height to the advantage, especially against Nekoma. Kuroo is tall, we need to go higher. So, jump a little higher, okay? And Suga, set a little higher."

"Got it, Captain." I said. Tsukki just rolled his eyes again. We'll see if he'll actually do it. 

When we got to the dining hall, I tried to just sit at a table, but Daichi made me get food. I grabbed fruit and cereal like a good majority of everyone else. 

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