Chapter 47

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~Week 3 of training~

"I see them trying to claw out." I state sitting on my knees, my eyes glowing a bright gold and gazing out into the endless space. A bead of sweat slightly forming on my forehead.
"Who?" Heimdall asks
He hums in contemplation and shifts his eyes to see what I see. " That's all the way to the burial mound." He says and proceeds to observe with me. "What are they doing?" He wants to know how clearly I can see.
"They're reaching through the ground, trying to escape. The barrier won't let them." I tell him squinting my eyes a bit.
"That's what you know. Be more specific. What exactly do you see?" He tells me.
"I see... large pillars of stone with runes on them. I see birds perched atop them. One has built a nest on the purple rune. It has 4 eggs in the nest. I see a spider has caught a large red beetle in it's web in the grass at the bottom of the yellow rune." I say concentrating.
"What else? Use your senses now. What can you infer about this situation?" Heimdall tests and waits patiently.
"Um..." I scan the surroundings of the area. The sun barely shines yet it should be the middle of the day in that part of the realm. "It's too dark for the time of day there..."
"Go on.. " Heimdall encourages. I continue to look around. I hum trying to understand. There were clouds that were passing through and the shifting light made the dew drops in the grass sparkle like jewels. The birds were searching for worms and insects to pop out from the ground. "It must have just rained. The birds are scavenging."
Heimdall continues to listen patiently.
"Um... the birds are scavenging for worms more than likely... um worms come out of the ground, but they're more than likely not there because of the barrier. They wouldn't be able to come out of the ground just like the Draugr."
"The birds are not searching for nothing. There's always a reason behind an animal's behavior." Heimdall states.
"Um..." I think to myself while watching the scene of the bird hopping around a specific spot on the ground. It's attention is captured by the ground. It clearly thinks there is something there. Then it clicked. "Unless it saw worms there!"
"Which would mean?" Heimdall smirks.
"It would mean there's a gap in the barrier! Then the Draugr could possibly escape if they notice it!" I exclaim excited that I solved it. Heimdall chuckles. "Yes. You are correct." I smiled proudly. "I will send the Valkyrie to go seal in the cracks." He says simply hitting hitting his sword against the ground once and a gold light shining from the right uperside of the wall. "What was that?"
"I've sent out the Valkyrie. That is their signal."
"I thought Odin could only do that." I asked him.
"I simply have the privilege of sending out an individual or handful. Odin controls the whole fleet. I am allowed to do this because the valkyrie are always on hand and are much more efficient and swift than sending out a regular warrior. Valkyrie also tend to be more equipped to handle seals if they break unexpectedly." He explains as we watch a Valkyrie take off on her flying horse onto the cosmos to the burial mound.
"That was the farthest you've been able to see, yet. Well done." Heimdall compliments.
I smile. "Thank you. You're a wonderful teacher."
"Do not discount your own ability. I may show you the door, but it is you who walked through it. In fact, I might say that you have progressed much farther than I had expected you would these past weeks. I'm impressed. I do believe that Frigga and Odin will be pleased. You've exceeded expectations so far and I have no worries that any harm shall befall you with this spell that they want to use. Your mind is becoming strong at a strong pace." Heimdall says placing a hand on the top of my head, once again full of pride. "Yes, I have no worries at all."
"If what you say is true, then neither do I." I say calmly and rise to my feet. I got a bit lightheaded and stumbled. Heimdall set a hand on my shoulder to steady me.
"Is your mind strained?" He asks.
"No. Though our training is challenging, I do not feel strained. No, I have felt a bit... ill lately." I tell him.
"Have you been eating and sleeping properly?" He asked.
"Yes. Loki has been making sure of that. No, nightmares as of lately." I say to him.
"I am not entirely aware of how Midgard bodies function, but I am aware that they can get sick easily. Perhaps you have a mild seasonal illness." Heimdall suggest.
"Wouldn't there have to be seasons to be a seasonal illness? The weather does not change much here." I say.
"It could be a number of things. As I said, I'm not entirely familiar with your type of bodies. If needed, I suggest you see a healer. They will help you." Heimdall suggests.
"I will. Thank you, Heimdall." I say.
He smiles and nods. "I will return later for more training."
"Only if you are capable. Do not over extend. It will only set you back." He advises.
"Alright." I nodded and wave goodbye to him as I head out once more.
I walk over the bifrost rainbow Bridge feeling the tingling under my bare feet. Even now it seems I still refuse to wear shoes. I notice that my steps to seem unintentionally heavier than they were previously by the sound of the thumps they cause. I try to walk a bit lighter, but that's to exhausting just to get to the next destination. Just walk. I also notice that I'm getting a bit tired after this walk. I haven't been this tired for walking the bridge before. I've actually notice I've been more tired or exhausted lately anyway. The illness is making me have night sweats and loss of appetite a bit. No doubt this is why my energy is so low. Not to mention the constant mental training to see the beyond and all of the 7 realms. At this point it is just a chore and annoying having to deal with my own exhausted body. I head back to the palace and continue to watch my feet as I feel they make too much noise. Of course watching my feet is not watching where I am going and I run head first into Thor's back. "Oof!... oh! Forgive me, Thor. I wasn't watching where I was going." I say rubbing my nose where I hurt it against his back muscles.
"Oh, (y/n). It is quite alright. I was only heading towards the dining hall. Would you like to join me?" Thor offered.
"Oh, Alright. That sounds lovely." I agreed with a smile and began to accompany him to the dining hall.
"Tell me. What has you so distracted? Nothing worrying I hope."
"Oh, not at all. I was wondering why my feet were so loud." I told him.
He looked down at my feet also taking a listen to how they sounded.
"Now that you say so, they do sound louder. Normally I hardly ever hear your feet." He stated thoughtfully. "Although, I normally don't pay attention to such things, so who's to say for sure."
"Well, I notice. My feet usually make a patter sound, but now they make a loud thumping noise." I say huffing.
"Perhaps you are heavier then." Thor suggested.
"Heavier? How so?" I look up at him curiously.
"Well, you had lost so much weight just before you had been attacked... and only more so in your unconscious state. I'd say that now that weeks have past and you have regained normal eating and sleeping habits that perhaps you have gained your health back and it is showing in more ways than one. Such as the sound of your feet." Thor explained.
"Oh well....hmmm... yes. I suppose that is a thought that is possible. I don't remember my feet sounding so heavy even before my decline in health, but perhaps my perception is off." I reasoned.
"Why are you so focused on the sound of your feet anyhow? It hardly matters." Thor asked while holding the door open for me to the dining hall.
"Because it's annoying and I can't focus when my feet are making so much-" I cut myself off as I took in the smell of the dining hall. It smelled repulsive and my nose instinctively crinkled on it's own. Granted it didn't actually smell much different than it normally did, but for some odd reason the smell made my stomach churn.
"What's that face for?" Thor asked.
"The smell. It's disgusting." I said as I tried not to gag.
Thor smelled the air. "It is herring and reindeer meat. The usual parts of the afternoon banquet. I do not remember you being so impartial to these dishes."
I vomited in my mouth a little. "Neither do I." I groaned. Thor hummed. "Well, Loki did mention something about you obtaining an illness."
"Oh did he?" I asked fanning myself a bit as it was getting awfully hot.
"Yes. Well... it was more like '(y/n), is sick. Leave her alone. I don't want you bothering her with your stupidity and making it worse!' ... or something along those lines." Thor said shrugging nonchalantly after giving a crude, but amusing imitation of Loki.
"Oh well I had mentioned to him I wasn't feeling well as of lately, but not too bad. I've been worse." I said as I started sweating a bit. "Oh dear. It's hot." I stated panting and trying to make the aggressive disruption in my stomach to calm from the horid smell.
"Why don't you go lie down, so you will not have to suffer with the smell? It is clear your senses are a bit off. I will bring you something light on the stomach." He offers placing a concerning hand on my back. I nod in agreement and leave the dining hall. I immediately feel irritated by how my body feels and only seek the comfort of someone else. Loki is busy, I'm sure. Loki will only get jealous if I turned to Thor for comfort. Heimdall is too far away for me to go back when I don't feel well. I see George outside the window training with that girl again. I frown. I will interrupt, just this once. I drag my feet out into the courtyard with a pout on my face. George stops what he's doing and lowers his fighting stance as he watches me trudge along towards him like a child. He lowered his sword to the side and looks down at me with a curious, but amused smirk on his face. I approached him ignoring his female companion watching me curiously on why interrupted their sparring. I plopped my face into his chest and groaned. He chuckles. "What's wrong, (y/n)?" He asks placing a hand on the top of my head.
"I don't feel well." I complained.
"Why not?" He asked casually putting his sword away.
"I don't know." I said peering up at him with sad eyes.
He laughs. "Haha! Don't look so pitiful."
My pout deepens. "Stop laughing!"
"Alright. Alright. Come here. I'll do the mortal thing." George says placing a hand on my forehead, really treating me like a child. He had really gotten use to certain human behavior living so long on Midgard. He hummed curiously. "That's odd." He said.
"What?" I asked him.
"You're cold, yet you sweat like your burning up." He said moving his hands to my neck. "Your neck is feverish feeling, however. Hm. How long has this been happening?"
"A few days." I tell him.
"Has it gotten any better compared to the first day?" He asked.
"Not really. In fact I'd say it's more bothersome." I grumbled.
"I'd say you should see a healer." He told me.
"Noooooo." I whined. "No more doctors!'
"Why not?" He asked watching me crumbled at his feet into a ball of immaturity.
"I'm tired of doctors! That's all I've been doing! Is seeing doctors!" I snapped back.
"What's a doctor?" His female sparing partner inquired.
"Midgard term for healer." He told her. She nodded in understanding. "I see."
"I'll just go take a nap. You're no help." I told him grumpy.
"Just because you did not like my suggestions does not make me useless." George inquired stepping over me and getting back into his fighting stance facing his partner. I groaned again but he ignored me and resumed his task from before. I groaned louder, not liking that fact I was being ignored. He continued to pretend I wasn't here. I pursed my lips. Then I turned on my side and groaned and moaned extra loud in the most dramatic fashion I could. I could be in a theatrical performance with how dramatic my need for attention was. George sighed and slightly turned his head to me. "I'll check on you later, alright?"
I sighed irritated. "Fine..." I said pulling myself off the ground and leaving the area without even looking back. I'll comfort myself then. I trudged to my room while increasingly getting more annoyed with every loud step I took. By the time I even got to my room I glared at the door. I boiling over in annoyance. Nothing was suppose to be that bothersome, but it was. Heavily bothersome, in fact. I kicked the door with all my strength and cursed a bit when it hurt my toes. "Bloody hell!" I muttered angrily as I tried to sooth my toes by rubbing them. "Argh!" I hit the door again with my fist. My frustration wasn't getting any better, so I just entered my room slamming it behind me. It's clear that Thor is right. My senses aren't right and for whatever reason it's making me temperamental and childish. My stomach refuses to give up it's tyranny in my stomach only making the nausea worse and the heat increase in my entire body.  I try to take some deep breaths and head to the bathroom just incase my body decides to betray me. I trudge towards the sink and look at my sweaty appearance in the mirror. Gross. I look horrendous. Absolutely disgusting. I turn on the sink water making sure it was nice and chill for my hot skin.  I put my hands together under the running water and watch it pool into my palms. It still amazes me how they managed to get water to come from nowhere like this. The convenience of not going all the way to a well and fetching water is definitely something I appreciate. Trudging water up a hill and up the stares to an old building that use to be  my home is something I definitely won't miss.  Oh! And the fact you can control the temperature of the water just by the position of the nobs. Oh how magical! It never fails to amaze me no matter how long I've been here. I love magic... I gush at the running water and smile a bit as I splash my face at the fresh coolness of the water. It's so satisfying and cooling and already is making me feel better.  I splash my face more indulging in the refreshing water. I grab a small hand towel near me and pat my face dry. The water definitely making me feel so much better and less hot. I sighed satisfied and smiled into the mirror.
I immediately gasped in horror and dropped the towel from my hands taking several steps back with my hands over my mouth.
"My face..... what happened to my face?!" I exclaim rubbing my hands over my face.  Deep blue ridges were protruding from my skin in a maze like pattern and my eyes were a deep blood red. I traced the ridges over my face with a feathery light touch. They were cold to the touch. "W-what's happening?" I whispered quietly horrified at my sudden  change in appearance.  Have I been cursed? I try to stay calm and observe carefully what is happening. My appearance does look strangley familiar to me and decide that I should have headed Heimdall's and George's advice and went to see a healer.  I pull the lower lids of my eyes down  tried to get a better look at my eyes. Has a blood vessel burst and flooded my eyes with blood. Is that what happened to my eyes? Was that even possible? I wasn't certain. I drop to my knees with my face in my hands. "I can't be seen like this... people will be horrified with me. They already look at me strangley because of my scar..."
There was a knock on the door before Thor had entered holding a plate. "(Y/n), I have brought you fruit. This may settle... hm? What's troubling you, my friend?" He says watching my distressed form on the bathroom floor. "Don't look at me. Something has gone wrong and I've been cursed!" I exclaim still hiding my face.
"How so?" He asks glancing over me.
"My face... I... I don't know what's happened to my face..." I say shamefully.
"May I see?"
"No! You will only make fun of me like you always do! I must see a healer and fix this!"
"You have my word that I will not  tease you in the slightest." He said actually a bit concerned now.
"Do not jest." I warned him.
"I will not."  He told me. I slowly lower my hands peering up at him. He stared blankly at me. He didn't say anything. Not a word. It was not often Thor was rendered speechless.
"Well... say something!"
"To be honest, my friend. I'm not entirely sure what to say." He told me.
"I'm horrifying, I know... I don't know whats happened." I said sighing.
"Well, I'd say you do seem quite exhausted, but horrifying isn't the word I'd use, no." He told me chuckling a bit.
I looked up at him confused. "What? Are you daft? Do you not see me right now?"
"Well, I'm sure this is due to your feminine insecurities, but I can assure you that you do not appear to be much different than usual." He said patting my shoulder in comfort. I looked at him appalled. "I would be insulted if you weren't so genuine in your tone."
I scramble to my feet and look back into the mirror. Everything had vanished from my face. The freezing blue ridges, the red eyes. Everything had gone from any sign of being on my face. "B-but... I didn't appear this way just a moment ago." I said touching my face hastily once more. I turned to Thor in a panic. "IHADBLUERIDGESANDMYEYESWEREBLOODSHOTLIKETHEDEVILANDTHEYWEREFREEZINGLIKEICE." I had spurred into crazy ranting. Thor was staring at me with concerned confusion as went into an insane spiral about the previous events while pointing at the mirror. Thor seemed to only grow more nervous at my ramblings and set the plate of fruit down onto the floor beside him. He walked over to me and placed his hands on my upper arms while looking down at me. At this point I was in sobbing hysterics while not even attempting coherent sentences anymore and only made whining noises.
"My friend...." he said in a calming voice grabbing my attention. "You've seem to have gone insane. We will see a healer."
This was not a response I was expecting and it only made me feel worse and my whining noises only increased and grew in volume as I dropped back to my knees in a heap and giving up. Thor had pursed his lips and picked me up off the floor throwing me over his shoulder. I sob helplessly and hysterically against Thors back and lay like a limp noodle in his grasp over his shoulder. He carries me down the hallway grasping the gaze of anyone who was around. "It is fine, everyone! She is unharmed. She has just lost her sanity." He says casually gesturing to me.
'Stop saying that!" I cry out, my voice breaking several times in a short phrase. Thor ignores me and continues on. We pass the courtyard and George who was still sparring spots Thor and I and plasters a confused face as he watches us pass by. He tells his partner to pause and he'd return a bit later before jogging over to us. "Excuse me, Prince Thor, but... what are you doing with my sister?" He asks concerned as he watches my hysterical fit of sobbing.
"I'm taking her to see a healer because she's rambling nonsense and has lost her sanity." He tells George, but still continues forwards.
"(Y/n)?" George inquired and I don't bother looking at him as I continue to cry trying to explain myself. "Blue lens...*sobs*  mew face... eyes...*sobs*"
"Umm.... yes. Perhaps a healer is best." George agrees immediately and follows Thor. This only makes me cry harder. They think I'm crazy. They walk me into the medical wing and Thor immediately calls for a healer who happened to already be available and walks up to us. "Oh. The mortal is back. Has something happened?" A short young woman asks.
"Yes! She has lost her sanity and needs immediate evaluation." Thor says taking me off of his should like I'm a bag of luggage and placing me to stand in front of him. My face puffy and wet from my crying. Snot somewhat sticking to my face that I try to wipe away. The woman looks a bit digusted at me. "A-Ah..." she offers me a chair. "Why don't you sit down. I will go fetch the head healer." I plopped in the chair sniffling uncontrollably.
"Don't worry, my friend. Your insanity will be cured in no time at all." Thor assured.
"I'M NOT CRAZY!" I yelled at him and he and George flinched at my sudden outburst of anger. "I KNOW WHAT I SAW!"
"E-Erm..." Thor clears his throat. "I have no doubt in my mind that you saw what you saw. I am only stating that what you saw was not actually there." Thor points out. My puffy eye twitches a little.
I get out of my seat and pick it up using all my strength. "Get...." I throw it at him with an expendable amount of force. "...OOOOUUUUT!" he quickly moves out of the way of the chair and it smashes to pieces against the wall. I was fuming. George looked almost panicked. When had I become so strong. A mere mortal shouldn't be able to do such a thing. Thor didn't wait to be told again to leave. "Of course. If that's what you would like." He says shuffling out of the room. It was obvious he was going to tell everyone he could about this. "(Y/n)?.." George tries placing a hand on my shoulder, but I slap it away.
"Don't touch me!" I snapped and dropped to the floor with my knees pulled to my chest and my face buried in them. I want to be left alone.
"I don't understand what's wrong or what's happening? Why are you so emotional today? Why are you sick? Why is the prince saying you're sputtering nonsense?" George asks.
"I don't know..." I whimper holding my knees tighter to myself. "I don't know what's happening."
George sighs and sits beside me placing an arm around my shoulder and leaning his head against mine.
"We'll figure it out." He comforts. What we never has anticipated was what was wrong with me was not at all what any of us were expecting. Far from it, but it lead to a long journey of figuring things out.

Hi, everyone. Another chapter for you. Sorry for all the errors. Let me know what you think. Thanks for the comments. I do read them. Feedback was appreciated. I'll upload when I can. Thanks again. I'll see you in the next chapter. Toodles!

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