15- Hunter's POV

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On the way to Edric's house, I think about his mom and how she reacted to me. Ever since then, if I want to see Edric, I have to sneak in through his window.

I smile at him when he unlocks and opens the window, letting me in. "Hey, Golden Guard." He smiles, slipping my mask off and putting it on his desk. I notice his knife is out of its case. "Why is your knife out?" I ask. He freezes for a second before hasitly putting it away. I grab his arm and slip his shirt over his head. Along with his old cuts, there are fresh, deep cuts up and down his arms.

I see tears well up in his eyes. "Edric." I whisper, kissing his cuts gently. "I'm sorry... I relapsed." He chuckles lightly. I sigh, pulling him into a hug. After a few seconds, he winces and pulls away. One of the cuts on his wrist opened up again. "Shit." He cusses under his breath, grabbing a bandage as blood quickly starts dripping onto the side of his arm. I grab it and help quickly wrap it tightly around the wound.

"Sorry about this... I'm sorry you got dragged into my problems." He whispers as I kiss the bandage where his cut is. "Don't be sorry. You didn't drag me into your problems, I volunteered to be here. And I wouldn't change a thing." I say, kissing his forehead lightly. He grins, pulling me into a gentle kiss.

There's a knock on the door and Edric rushes to put his shirt back on. When he does, I open the door. It's Luz and Amity. "Hey guys, can we come in?" Luz asks cheerily. Edric nods and they enter. "So... we had an idea." Amity begins. "We thought it would be cool to do a double date! And Emira can come with Viney too!" Luz says, smiling widely. "What if your mom saw me and Edric together? I don't think she likes me." I say."Mrs. Odalia doesn't like me either. She doesn't like anyone really." Luz says, shrugging. "So are you guys gonna come?" Amity asks. "Well if Edric wants to, I'll go." I say, and Edric nods. "Yay! We'll go talk to Emira then!" Luz says, opening the door, running out happily and Amity closes the door as she exits.

I lay down on my back next to Edric, who is sitting on his bed, and put my head on his lap. "A double date." He grins, playing with my hair. I grin, closing my eyes. I didn't sleep well last night. I mean, I never sleep well, so its not like its a shocker. I usually fall asleep when Edric starts playing with my hair.

He knows and starts lightly scratching my head. It feels good, and my entire body relaxes. "You didn't sleep last night, did you." He says, braiding a few sections of my hair. "I got three hours of sleep, thank you. Granted, not consecutively, but that's not the point." I say, and he chuckles, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

I feel myself start to drift off as he continues to braid my hair. "Good night, Hunter." He whispers, his voice fading as sleep covers me like a blanket.

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