11- Edric's POV

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I clean my room (somewhat) to make it look a little better for when Hunter comes over today. He said he would be here at 3 p.m., which is when his patrol ends. I sit on my bed, scrolling through Penstagram, waiting, excited to see my boyfriend.

3 p.m. comes and goes, and still, he doesn't show. At 5:30 Emira walks in, and looks around. "He isn't here yet?" She asks. I look at her sadly and shake my head. She sighs, closing the door behind her. "He sh- he should've been here." I say, hugging my knees into my chest.

"I know, Ed. If you want, I could get Mittens and Luz to come in too, to cheer you up." Emira suggests. I shake my head. "No thanks. Just you." I say, hugging her. "It'll be alright, Ed. He probably just got busy." I nod.

2 weeks later...

I still haven't seen any sign of him. He hasnt been on any of his patrols. Maybe... maybe he transferred areas. Maybe I scared him off... Emira sees me frantically searching for him, and pats my shoulder. "He's nog here, Ed. I asked a Guard, and he said, 'The Golden Guard doesn't patrol here.' I don't know what that means." She says. I sniff, laughing away a tear. "It means he probably transferred to another area. I knew it, he doesn't wanna see me." I say, laughing, wiping a tear off my cheek as soon as it falls from the corner of my eye. "Edric, he peobably is just busy." Emira says as I walk away. "Its fine, Em. I couldn't care less, honestly." I laugh, walking away, not turning around to look at her. I mean, come on. Its not like.... he's the love of my... of my life.... or anything... I sniff sadly, pushing myself foward. Its not like.... he's the only one I'm living for...

A month later...

I'm laying in my bed, scrolling through Hunter's Penstagram. He hasn't posted anything in a month and two weeks. The last thing he posted was this a picture of a red bird palisman. I sigh, pulling my blanket over my head. He must really not want me in his life anymore.

I look at the old human knife on my desk which I bought from Eda, the Owl Lady when she would sell human things. I pick it up, and run my finger along the edge. I wince as is cuts me. Still sharp. If things get bad enough... if I get that desperate... this is what I'd use...

Emira walks in with two cups of something hot. "Hot cocoa. I know its not just like the way Mittens makes it, but I did my best." She smiles, handing me a cup. I sip it cautiously. "Its hot, but good." I say with a weak smile. "Edric you should get over Hunter already." Emira says, setting down her cup on my side table.

A pit grows in my stomach. "Look, I just can't, okay? I just can't..." I say dejectedly, setting down my cup next to hers.

Two weeks later...

I'm walking through town, shopping and causing a little chaos here and there. I've given up looking for him I know he won't be here.

I finish paying for a spell book for one of my classes, and turn to walk away. That's when I see...him.

My Golden Guard (Edric X Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now