Moving Away

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Salt 2~

Class Salt - Everyone Salt bascially


Tom and Sabine were tired of seeing their sweet daughter come home everyday, in tears and bruises. They decided that enough was enough, and they were going to get Marinette faraway from that liar and her sheep.

"Marinette, sweetie, your father and I have been talking, and we decided its best for you to move", Sabine told their daughter.

"Move? Move where?", Marinette asked surprised.

"We called someone who we know well, who has agreed to take you away from here", Tom explained.

Marinette was very confused. Who was taking her away?

"Don't think we're sending you away cause we don't want you", Sabine said hugging Mari, "We just don't want you to be hurt even more by that liar".

Marinette hugged her parents. She didn't want to leave them, but she knew they were right. Her life would be in danger if she stayed any longer. 

"Can I take Tikki, and all the other kwamis?", Marinette asked.

Marinette had told her parents that she was the guardian, after her mother heard her talking about her problems to someone upstairs, when she should've been alone.

"Of course dear, now pack your things. The person will be here soon", Tom instructed.

Marinette hurried up to her room and started packing excitedly. She was going to get away from here. She still had no idea who the person she was going with, was.

"Maybe it's someone who has a house full of camembert", Plagg hoped.

After defeating Hawkmoth, Ladybug took Chat Noir's miraculous and kept it. She already knew it was Adrien, after he came as Chat Noir to advice her to take the high road. Chat was furious. Not only did he lose his miraculous and couldn't see Ladybug anymore, he didn't know her secret identity. 

"Marinette! Are you done?" Sabine called from downstairs.

"I'm coming!", she yelled back, dragging her suitcase and and bag with her.

She went to the living room, to find Jagged Stone.

"Jagged?", Marinette screamed.

"Hey there little lady. Your parents rang me up and told me about the situation here. I decided to take you along with me to London, as my personal designer", Jagged informed.

"Me?", Mari asked, shocked.

"We've already filled out the paper work. You will be paid for your work and accommodation for wherever we stay", Penny explained, "Your parent have signed already, all we need is your signature and we can head off".

Marinette looked at her parents, and they nodded. Marinette signed the papers, and she was off to London with Jagged and Penny.

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2 weeks passed, and everyone realised that Marinette hadn't come to class, and no one had seen her outside is well. Lila started spinning lies that Marinette had gotten pregnant which is why she was nowhere to be seen. Soon this rumor was everywhere at school. Parents found out and didn't want their kids anything to do with the girl. The akuma class went to the bakery, but Tom and Sabine didn't let them past the door, and told them that Marinette was no longer in Paris. Lila pressed them to found out where she went, but both parents didn't let it out. Lila was, in one way, furious, and in another, happy, that Marinette was gone. The whole school celebrated, like they did when Chloe left, that Marinette was gone.

While in London, Marinette designed for Jagged, and other celebrities commission her. Unable to tolerate Lila's lies, and everyone's stupidity, Chloe left with her mother to New York, and one day at a Gala, got in contact with Marinette again. The 6 months that Mari was in London, she started her own brand, MDC, which was very popular, when celebrities mentioned they got their clothes from the anonymous designer. 

Marinette one day had bumped into Felix Graham de Vanily, and the two became acquainted. She learnt he envied his cousin, because he had "everything", but that feeling disappeared when he learnt of Lila and her lies. Felix and Marinette become close and she stayed with him, even when Jagged left for Paris. When she turned 18, Felix helped her set up her company and started to grow their business. Marinette designed and made the clothes, while Felix took care of the business side. Over the years they MDC became more and more popular, and rose to the top of the fashion world. One day, it was announced that at a gala hosted by the Agrestes, MDC would make her appearance along with her fiancee, Felix Graham de Vanily.  

Everyone in the class had kept in touch with one another, and Lila had kept up her lies. She told everyone she personally knew MDC, and had helped her to become famous. She even said that though MDC had stolen her boyfriend, and they had both gotten engaged, she didn't mind as long as they were happy.

"Wow girl! You have a heart of gold!", Alya exclaimed.

Adrien had tried to find out who MDC was through his cousin, but he straight out refused to even speak with Adrien. 

On the day of the Gala, everyone was excited to found out who their favourite designer was.

"And now, the moment the world has been waiting for", the announcer started, "MDC and her fiancee Felix Graham de Vanily!"

On stage a beautiful women, with midnight blue hair and bluebell eyes walked onto stage with Felix.

"She looks familiar", Nino noted.

"Yeah she does", Alix agreed. 

The whole class felt like they had seen her somewhere. That's when Adrien realised.

"Guys thats-" he was interrupted by Marinette.

"Hello everyone, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I am MDC", she announced.

The whole class realised that Lila was lying.

"You liar! You ruined my friendship with Marinette!", Alya yelled.

Everyone was yelling at Lila for ruining their relationship with the girl who had been their everyday Ladybug. Adrien was jealous that Mari was with his cousin. 

After the gala, the class made their way up to Marinette, who was with Felix and Chloe.

"Marinette we are so sorry, could you forgive us?", Alya pleaded.

"No!", Marinette told.

Everyone was shocked, since they thought she would forgive them.

"What? Why?", Alya asked.

"You believed a liar over me, you bestfriend! And you hurt both physically and mentally. Do you think I'm going forgive you just like that?" Marinette asked.

"Just leave us alone", Felix growled, before leading Marinette away.

"You should've just stayed with your friend, who you had known for so long, instead of just throwing her away for something new and shiny", Chloe smirked, rubbing more salt into their wounds.

The class couldn't be mad at her, because they knew she was right. They let themselves be manipulated by someone who wanted to destroy on of the best people in their life. Adrien realised he could've been the one next to Marinette, if he just hadn't given her that stupid advice. Alya realised it could've been her alongside Mari, as she grew to be a famous designers, if she had just believed her best friend instead of dismissing it as jealously. Now her future as a reporter was at stake.



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