Lost Almost Everything

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Class Salt - Chloe sugar


It had been years since Marinette had stepped foot in Paris. Almost 7 years. 

Lila had won. Lila was successful in taking away Marinette's friends. But Lila only thought she had won. To Marinette, it was a way for her to find her real friends. Well, friend. After everyone abandoned Marinette, Chloe was the only one who stood with her. Now after 7 years, Marinette was going to attend her school reunion. 

The first thing she did once she arrived was go to the cemetery. She held a bouquet of red and white roses, and laid it on the graves that read 'Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng'. A single tear fell from Marinette's eyes as she recalled the horrible incident that had happened 7 years ago.

7 years ago...

It was Marinette's last year of schooling, and she was excited to get away from the liar and her sheep.

"Hey! Mari-trash!", Alya called out.

"What do you want Cesaire?", Chloe asked.

"I wasn't talking to you, you little brat!", Alya snickered.

"Don't talk to my friend like that", Marinette yelled.

"You don't deserver to live! Not after what you did to Lila!", Alya screamed.

"What did I do now?", Mari asked sarcastically. 

"You tried to burn her face with acid!", Mylene exclaimed.

"If you ask me, she doesn't even need acid to look like that", Chloe laughed.

With that both Marinette and Chloe walked away. Lila kept it up with her lies of Marinette trying to burn her, so they all came up with a plan to get back at her. 

Marinette was doing her evening patrol with her partner, Chloe, also known as Queen Bee. Ladybug had taken away Chat Noir's miraculous after he proved unworthy of it. Together, Queen bee and Ladybug took down both Hawkmoth and Mayura. Marinette and Chloe had just finished patrolling when they saw fire engines heading in the direction of the bakery. They both ran to find the bakery on fire. Marinette stood in shock as she saw two bodies being loaded onto the ambulance. Mari rushed over and started crying and wailing. Both her parents had died in the fire. The police confirmed the fire had started from the oven, but weren't sure why the fire alarm hadn't gone off; as living above a bakery, the Dupain-Chengs had 3 fire alarms installed, in which none of them had gone off. 

Marinette was at the hospital with the Mayor and Chloe, when she got a text from a private number.

That fire was meant to be for you. But guess your parents had to pay the price.

Marinette broke down then and there. Lila had killed her parents. She was supposed have perished in the fire. But now, because of her, her parents were dead. Chloe read the text and immediately started yelling to have Lila arrested, but without any solid evidence, they couldn't do anything.

Marinette moved in with Chloe and never went back to school. One day while staying there, she met the Chloe's boyfriend, Jon Kent. Through Jon, Marinette met Jason Todd-Wayne. They both hit it off, and Marinette soon moved in with the Waynes and finished studying at Gotham University with Chloe. 


"I'm sorry", Marinette whispered.

"It isn't your fault, Mari", Jason comforted his wife.

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