Never Yours

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Salt 8~

Class Salt - Chloe 


It all makes sense, Adrien thought.

"So if you just tell Marinette that you and Lila are dating, then she might stop bullying her", Alya sugested.

"You don't have to lie about dating me just to stop her from hurting me", Lila said concerned, "I mean, what if she just hurts me more?"

"Don't worry Lila, I won't let that happen", Adrien smiled.

Many things had changed over the two years. First of all, Lila's threat came true. All of Marinette's friends left her for the lying snake, and even started bullying her. Adrien kept telling her to take the high road, but it was clear to Marinette, that he only cared about Lila and not her. She stopped associating with him and the class. The only friend she had was Chloe.

"Hey Mari-bug!", Chloe greeted her friend.

"Hey bee!", Mari screamed excitedly.

"You seem super happy to come to school today", Chloe said, confused.

"He's coming today!", Marinette squealed.

"He is?", Chloe asked.

"Yep!", Marinette replied.

"How dare he not tell me", Chloe huffed.

Marinette giggled at her best friend. As soon as they walked into class, they realised something was wrong. Adrien was looking a bit too nervous, and Alya was smirking. The two girls decided to ignore it, and walked to their seats at the back of the class. They started talking about the person who coming. 

"Um....Marinette?", Adrien cleared his throat.

"What do you want Agreste?", Chloe asked, annoyed.

"Well, I heard that you like me, Marinette", he started nervously, "Well, that you are in love with me, and I know that me and Lila are close, but you can't keep bullying and hating her for it".

"It has nothing to do with you Agreste, so go away", Marinette replied, getting angry.

"Well, just so you know, me and Lila are dating so stop acting like this", Adrien told, getting closer to Marinette.

"Lila is a liar, and you chose her, so leave me alone", Marinette yelled pushing Adrien.

"Marinette! Why would you push Adrien?", Lila cried.

"He was the one not respecting my personal space", Marinette defended herself.

"If you're angry that me and Adrien are dating, then take it out on me, not him", Lila fake sobbed.

"It's not your fault Lila", Adrien replied getting up.

"She's just jealous that Adrien chose you over her", Alya replied.

"Just so you know, I'm not in love with you Adrien", Marinette hissed.

"Yea, my Mari-bug has someone else, someone who actually deserves her", Chloe joined in.

"As if!", Alya yelled, rolling her eyes, "You're just saying that to get Adrien's attention"

"I'm not lying", Marinette replied,"I'm not Lila! But if you don't believe me, you can meet him for yourselves when he comes here".

The class started yelling at Marinette to stop lying that she has a boyfriend and to apologise to Lila and Adrien, but Marinette just blocked them out and ignored them. They would've kept going if Chloe hadn't given them death stares. 

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