A Fairytale (Part 3)

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"Sir Plagg?", Luka wondered.

"You've got to get to the princess before Adrien does", Plagg instructed.

"But what would I do when I get there? Who would believe me?", Luka asked.

"Don't worry about that. Tikki is with the princess and she knows what to do. The rest of us will take of the poison", Plagg reassured him.

He pulled out the copy of Adrien's key they had made that afternoon.

"Go, quickly!", Plagg ushered him out.

Luka ran as fast as he could to the ballroom. He didn't know what and how he would say to the princess, but he trusted that the servants would handle it.


Mullo the castle cook, turned to face Adrien.

"Put this flavouring in the wine before you serve it to the king today. Its a special flavour that has been made just for the King", Adrien instructed.

He wouldn't want to poison his precious Marinette. And the queen, of course. It would raise too much suspicion.

"Of course", Mullo responded.

"You should thank Luka. He's the one who passed it on to me", Adrien lied.

"Ah, yes. The musician", Mullo answered, pretending to think about it.

"Yes, he said it was a gift to the king", Adrien replied.

"I'll make sure to add it", Mullo said.

"I'm sure you will", Adrien said before heading to the ball.

Mullo waited until she knew Adrien was out of site. She then opened the back door of the kitchen.

"Here you go Barkk. You know what to do with this", she told, handing the vial over.

Barkk took the vial and kept it safe. No one would think to look for the poison with the garden caretaker.

"Like I would believe you Sir Adrien", Mullo scoffed, as she poured the wine into the cups.

Adrien had no idea that the servants were well aware of their evil intentions. Of course, he was not aware that this very same group had kept the royal family safe from all harm since the beginning of time.

Luka arrived at the ball and immediately rushed to find the princess. Adrien was nowhere to be seen, as Marinette had refused to dance with him

"Woah!", Luka yelped as he was pulled off to the side.

"Luka. Don't worry. My name is Daizzi", the maid...well she was basically bursting with joy.

"Do you know where I can find Princess Marinette?", Luka asked desperately.

"Well of course! She gonna to the restroom. Well she's taking a while, and Sir Adrien had gone in the same direction she went...", Daizzi trailed off, remembering that he could possibly be up to something.

She saw the horror on Luka's face. "I have to go now!"

"Now, now. Don't worry. Tikki is with her as always, and she has a bit of luck with her. So the princess is safe. But you should go make her, uh...well night, seeing as she was waiting just for you!", Daizzi told, pointing him in the direction that the princess went.

"Thank you", he whispered before going off.

He knew Adrien was up to something, and he will protect Marinette at all costs.

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