Pay the Price

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Salt 3~

Class Salt - Nino Sugar - Chloe Sugar - Kim Sugar - Alix Sugar


Marinette was nervous as she stepped out of her car. It had been years since she had stepped foot in Paris. 

Why you may ask?

Well, Lila Rossi, is the answer. Lila was successful in taking away all her friends, and turning everyone against her. Marinette still tried to listen to Adrien's advice and take the high road, but that ended when the class started bullying her. Soon she was isolated, but that was not a bad thing, surprisingly. Marinette soon became best friends with Chloe. Nino broke up with Alya and became friends with Mari again. Soon Kim and Alix joined them. The five of them moved away from Paris, to Gotham, thank to Chloe's parents and were staying with an old friend of Audrey's. 

And that friend was none other than Bruce Wayne. Yes, Bruce Wayne the millionaire. The five of them really got along with the Waynes, and soon Damian and Marinette became a couple. With support from those around her, Marinette built her own fashion company, MDC. She even got her parents to open up their bakery, in her company. Since everyone who was in contact with Marinette had left, no one knew about her success, since MDC decided to stay anonymous. 

Life was great for them. They forgot all about Lila and her lies. Nino and Chloe got together, as well as Kim and Alix, but that was expected. It had been almost 10 years since Marinette had moved to Gotham, and she was married to Damian, and was now 5 months pregnant. The 5 of them had gotten an invite for a reunion, that was being held in the Grand Paris hotel. Marinette was reluctant to go, but Chloe and Alix managed to convince everyone that this might be the chance they have been waiting for, to show their class, and everyone who believed Lila, that they were wrong.

Now Marinette was outside the reunion, with Nino, Chloe, Alix and Kim by her side. Damian had gone to park the car. With a deep breath, the 5 of them walked in. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing, and turned to stare at them. 

"Mari-trash! Didn't think you would show up here", Alya commented.

"Alya! Good to see you're doing well", Marinette said with a neutral expression.

"Let me guess, you still work at you're parents pathetic bakery?", Lila asked, joining in.

They looked around them, and it seemed no one else was getting involved. So its only Lila and Alya, huh?

"For your information, we actually have a life, with a stable job", Alix remarked. 

They all knew that Alya worked in a coffee shop, and had a gossip blog, which barely anyone read.

"I'm sure you don't know, since you haven't been in Paris for awhile, but me and Adrien are dating. His father approves", Lila showed off.

"Hey guys", Adrien waved at them. He then noticed Mari's baby bump. "Marinette, are you pregnant?"

Before she could answer, Alya jumped in, "She probably slept with some guy for money"

People around them were now recording, and some had started laughing at Marinette.

"Alya, I don't know who you think you are to say that about Marinette, especially since you haven't talked to us in 10 years", Nino shot at his ex-girlfriend.

"What? Are you and that bully together?", Alya asked, referring to Mari.

"No, you'd be surprised to know that me and Nino are together", Chloe smirked.

"And me and Alix are together", Kim told them.

"You guys don't have to be mean to Alya and Lila. Lila doesn't even lie anymore", Adrien tried to defen his friends.

"Like how she lied that she knows the Waynes and is dating his biological son? Or co-owns the Daily Planet?", Marinette asked.

"Well, in case you didn't know, Lila is getting me a job at the Daily Planet. She used to date Damian Wayne, until he cheated on her with some sl*t", Alya told them, "You'd probably know her since you are one yourself", she snickered.

"I suggest you think twice before making a comment at my wife like that again, Miss Cesaire"

Everyone turned to the source of the voice. Standing protectively around Marinette was none other than Damian Wayne himself.

"You're wife?", someone in the crowd asked.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure many of you would be informed that I am married to my only ever girlfriend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, now known as Marinette Wayne", Damian informed.

"You're Damian Wayne. But Lila said you cheated on her...", Alya started.

"We read you gossip blog, Alya. We know every single thing you wrote about.", Alix glared.

"As the lawyer representing the Waynes, MDC, DJ Fox, and owners of Olympian Sports Training and Olympian Pool and Resort", Chloe started, "I will be handing out the lawsuits to sue Lila and Alya for slander and defamation.

"Whaaat? You can't sue me!", Alya shrieked.

"Yes, she can. Not only did you lie about me and my husband, but you also lied about Nino, Chloe, Alix and Kim", Marinette yelled.

They sighed when they say the confusion on Lila and Alya's face.

"I'm MDC", Marinette said.

"I'm Queen C", Chloe smirked.

"I'm DJ Fox", Nino rolled his eyes.

"And me and Alix own Olympian company" Kim told.

"And so you basically just dug your own grave. Should listened to us.", Alix laughed.

"But I-"

"But you what Alya?", Marinette asked.

Alya had nothing to say. She had chosen Lila over someone she should've trusted and now she had to pay the price for her mistake. Literally. 


Hope you liked this one!! 

Thinking of doing an Adrientte one soon, maybe...


Let's see what I can come up with

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