Don't Mess with the Waynes

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Salt 7~

Class Salt


"Marinette! Wake up!", Chloe shook Marinette awake.

"Are we there?", Marinette asked groggily 

"We just landed in Gotham", Chloe told.

Marinette and Chloe quickly took down their luggage and headed out. They knew the liar and the rest of the class won't be far behind. Being in first class, the two girls were able to exit first, while the rest who were in economy had to wait.

"Chloe, Marinette", Ms Bustier called their names.

"Don't worry Ms Bustier, we got through the security check", Chloe reassured her worried teacher.

"How could you just leave the class like that?", Lila cried.

"Even if we came with you guys, they would've checked us separately, since our tickets weren't booked with your group", Marinette explained, rolling her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at Lila, you wannabe fashion designer", Alya yelled.

"Well then stop talking to us, you tabloid writer", Chloe yelled back, defending her friend.

"Girls please!", Ms Bustier tried to calm them down, "Now if you need to use the bathroom, please do it now, as the hotel is quite far frim here"

Many of the class went to the bathroom, including Marinette and Chloe.

"Hey Lila, I have an idea!", Alya whispered to her bestie.

"Ok class", Ms Bustier called out after majority of the class had come back, "The bus is here, please hand keep your baggage with you at all times, and don't leave anything behind"

The students all got on and sat down.

"Is everyone here", the teacher asked.

"Yes Ms Bustier!", Lila called out in a sweet voice.

"What about Mari-", 

"Can we start leaving Ms?", Lila asked, interrupting Rose, "I have this condition where I can't sit in a bus for too long".

"Alright, I think everyone is here". The bus took off, and Lila had a satisfying smirk on her face.

"I can't believe we just left Marinette and Chloe behind", Rose whispered.

"Well they would just bully Lila on the bus anyway", Alya reasoned.

"At least Lila won't have to worry about them", Mylene chimed in.

"So are you excited to see Damian?", Adrien asked.

"Well of course I am! I haven't seen Damian is years", Lila smiled.

"I still can't believe you dating the Damian Wayne!", Kim cheered.

"We've been friends ever since I remember. We got closer after his mother's death, since I was the only person who could comfort him. I heard that after I moved, he had gotten colder to everyone else, so I started chatting with him almost everyday online We eventually started a long-distance relationship. He even told me that he liked me ever sine we met, and wants to marry me one day", Lila lied.

"You're gonna be part of the Wayne family dude", Nino exclaimed.

"Can you get me an interview with them?", Alya asked.

"I'll see what I can do", Lila said, "I can even get you a meeting with them, but Damian is really protective off me, and he's just really worried since I told him about the bullying situation. I think you guys can even come to Wayne Manor, as long as Marinette and Chloe don't come"

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