Help from Heroes

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Salt 4~

Class Salt - Adrien Sugar - Nino Sugar - Chloe Sugar


Adrien hated it. He hated how everyone hurt his princess. He hated how he had to watch them hurt her. He hated how he couldn't do anything. And most of all, he hated Lila.

After Marinette was let back into school, he saw how people were distant from her. No one knew about Lila's made-up lying disease, so they bought the whole thing. Lila lied so much about Marinette and people were believing it without a second thought. Then the day came when Lila won. Everyone bullied Marinette. Alya, Kim, Ivan, Mylene, Max, Rose, Alix and Sabrina. Nathaniel and Juleka didn't really interfere,  and Nino was only on Lila's side due to Alya. He had even admitted it to Adrien himself, that he didn't really like Lila but he didn't want to lose Alya. But that changed when people started to physically hurt Mari, and she had to go to hospital. Nino broke up with Alya and joined Adrien, Mari and Chloe. Chloe could see through Lila's lies and became best friends with Marinette after both of them had been pushed to the back of the class.

Nino and Chloe were confused as to why Adrien didn't tell anyone why Lila was lying. People would listen to him, as he had no reason to lie.

"I told Marinette to take the high road, since I didn't want Lila getting akumatised again, but i regretted it the moment I found out she got my princess expelled", Adrien explained.

"Your princess?!", Chloe and Nino asked at the same time.

"Well, me and Adrien are dating", Marinette answered shyly.

"Dudes, that's great news! Alya always said you were jealous of Lila because you both liked Adrien, but if you and my boy are together, then you have no reason to hate Lila", Nino exclaimed.

"Um...that's where the problem is...", Adrien trailed off.

"Spit it out! Now!", Chloe demanded.

"Well, Lila photoshopped photos, and took video and photos at wrong times to make it seem like we're dating. She threatened me that if I told anyone, she'd just lie that I cheated on her", Adrien sighed, "She also said that she'd tell everyone I forced her to sleep with me, and its easy since she's my "modelling partner".

"SHE WHAT?!?", Chloe burst out

"Chlo, calm down!", Nino attempted to calm the poor girl down.

"And Lila is certain that since she's a girl, that people would believe her over Adrien", Marinette huffed, angry that the liar would try to sexually harass her boyfriend.

The four of them sat down together thinking hard about what to do.

"I have an idea", Chloe smirked.

"It better not involve killing", Adrien groaned.

"There is only one person they will all believe", Chloe smiled.

"Who?", Nino asked. 

"Ladybug of course!", Chloe yelled, "So all you got to do is rock up to school, and expose the liar", she told Mari.

"What? Me?", Marinette panicked. 

"Please. Don't bother with the excuses. I already know your ladybug", Chloe huffed.


"Uh...yes? Surprise?", Mari said, doing jazz hands.

"Well, then I guess its not fair if I don't let the cat out of the bag. Hah. Get it?", Adrien laughed.

"You're Chat Noir!!!!", Chloe and Nino scream at the same time. 

"Dudes, you could've exposed Lila this whole time. Why didn't you?" Nino asked, in disbelief. 

"Well, we couldn't really risk her getting akumatised again", Marinette replied shyly.

"And plus, she could use it to her advantage if she told people Ladybug got her akumatised", Adrien told them, sadly.

"But what if there was a really good reason you exposed the bullying of your good friend?", Chloe slyly smirked.

The next day, the class was a mess. Everyone was pissed at Lila, especially Alya!

"You lying witch! Because of you I lost my friendship with Marinette! I lost my relationship with Nino!" Alya cried and yelled.

You see, Chat Noir and Ladybug had given a special video to Chloe to post. Ladybug, in the video, called out Lila's lies, and that the class and her should stop bullying her friends or there would be consequences. 

"I will say this once, and once only! I have never been friends with Lila Rossi, nor did she hold the fox miraculous. I would not usually call out someone like this, but her lies are hurting some of my good friends. If Lila Rossi and her "friends" do not stop hurting my friend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her friends, then there will be consequences"

Marinette walked in, holding hands with Adrien, while Nino and Chloe walked behind them, chatting and laughing.

"Marinette, I'm so so-"

Marinette stopped her. "Before any of you apologise, I want to tell you that I don't forgive you, so save your breath".

"What do you mean? How were we supposed to know?", Alya shrieked.

"By listening to us. You trusted Lila, a new girl, who's claim seem very absurd, over us, who you have known for over a year Alya", Nino exclaimed, at his ex-girlfriend.

"You bullied Marinette, your bestfriend, who's always helped you guys and put her responsibility and duties towards the class before her own needs", Adrien told them, as the class looked down with guilt.

"So we've decided to move", Chloe dropped the bomb.


"Yeah, we're moving away from here. For good", and with that, Marinette and her friends left the classroom, and Paris.


yayayayayayayy!! finally!!

another salt!!

Sorry for you all u salt lovers wait T_T

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