A Fairytale (Part 2)

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The whole kingdom was quiet and sound asleep. No one noticed the figure leaving the castle...or the two figures that followed after.

Quietly Adrien dismounted his horse and entered into the little cottage, that was at the edge of the kingdom and forest. He had been here before, and knew his way around.

"Hello?", Adrien called out.

There was no answer.

"She must be down there then", Adrien assumed, pressing a button under the table, to reveal a hidden passageway, then descending down the stairs.

"I still don't know why sugarcube insisted you come with me", Plagg complained.

Him and Tikki had felt something was off about Adrien, so they had a little chat with all the other servants of the castles. The best thing about working at the castle, was that they can move around without being suspected, which was how they protected the royal family for generations. One of them, Wayzz, had overheard Adrien saying how he was going to marry Marinette, which confused him since he was aware that the princess had feelings for Luka. This caused a big discussion on what was happening with Sir Adrien Agreste. Tikki, being the eldest had ordered that, as a precaution, someone was to keep an on him. So Plagg, along with Sass (whom Tikki insisted should go with Plagg), followed Adrien when they saw him leave the castle in the middle of the night.

"To prevent you from making rash decisions", Sass answered. Sass was the wisest, which explained why Tikki picked him.

"Hm, I don't remember this cottage here before", Plagg observed, as they watched Adrien step in. "Sass, you've read all the records in the kingdom, right? Do you know who lives here?".

"I think its been here for a while, but I don't think there is any records of this in the kingdom", Sass said, deep in thought.

"Lets go in", Plagg suggested.

Both Sass and Plagg entered the cottage carefully, but there was no sign of Adrien anywhere.

"Where could he have gone?", Plagg muttered.

"Look, over there!", Sass pointed to the bookcase. The were markings that clearly indicated that it could be moved.

Sass walked around the cottage, until he found the button under the table.

"You ain't called the wisest for no reason", Plagg chuckled as he watched the stairway open up.

Both of them carefully treaded down the stairs to see Adrien talking to....LILA!?

"This poison will kill him instantly", Lila told, placing a vial in Adrien's hand.

"It better. I must make sure that I get rid of the king and that Luka takes the blame for it", Adrien replied, gripping the vial.

"Aren't you forgetting something", Lila asked, sweetly.

Adrien seemed to think about it hard and long.

"I will remove your exile as soon as I'm king", Adrien sighed.

"Good! So you do remember", Lila smiled gleefully.

Plagg and Sass had heard enough. They immediately left the cottage and headed to the castle. They had to warn the others.

"LILA?! THAT WITCH?", Orikko shouted.

"Yes, we saw Adrien make a deal with Lila. He's going to kill the king and blame it on Luka", Sass explained.

"When is he planning to do it?", Pollen asked.

"Tonight. At the ball", Plagg answered.

This cause more shouting and panic.


The servant all looked to face Tikki.

"Now I know you are all scared. But we've protected the royal families for thousands of years", Tikki reminded them, "And we will protect not only the princess and king, but also Luka".

This seemed to encourage them.

"What should we do next?", Trixx asked.

"Adrien still doesn't seem to be aware that we know", Wayzz pointed out.

"We could prevent him from doing something if we plan correctly", Kaalki suggested.

"Thats what we're going to do", Tikki agreed.

It was the night of the supposedly, grandest ball France has ever held. Princess Marinette patiently, but nervously waited for Luka to show up. Severely people had already asked her for a dance, but to their disappointment, she had told that she was saving her first dance for someone important. They knew that this meant she had already chosen someone as her betrothed. They all thought it was Sir Adrien Agreste, since he still hadn't showed up.

"Where is he?", Marinette asked Tikki, as she waited.

"He'll show up Marinette", Tikki reassured her.

Tikki smirked, as she knew exaclty what was going to happen. Everyone was stationed where they needed to be.

"Let go of me Agreste", Luka yelled, as he tried to fight of the knight.

"Never! You stole the princess from me", Adrien screamed back as he continued to pull Luka towards the dungeon.

"She was never yours to begin with", Luka yelled, punching Adrien in the jaw.

"She was always mine, just like this kingdom will soon be", Adrien raged, as he struck Luka on the back of the head with the blunt side of his sword.

He dragged Luka towards the cell and locked him up.

"That should keep you in there for good. The princess will be disappointed you didn't show up. Then she'll have no choice but to fall in love with me. And what better way for you to get revenge, than to poison the king?", Adrien laughed as he pocketed the key and headed back to the ball.

"Please...Adrien...don't do this", Luka weakly whispered, as he watched the knight's shadow leave.

Luka sobbed as he realised what a mess he was in. He was going to die if they found him guilty of killing the king. And poor, sweet Marinette. She would be so heartbroken.


"Who's there?", Luka cried out, afraid.

"Don't worry! Its me!", the voice responded.


I wonder who it isssss 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

Adrien u little dumb dumb 🤭🤭🤭🤭

second part of the "one-shot" done

onto the next :)

- Marshmallow c:

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