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chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen

"An explosion happened at a beanery brew house in Indianapolis earlier this morning." Penelope pronounced to the team with a new case landing on their laps in the briefing room. She tapped on the handy tablet to display the news segment onto the large screen for them to see the horrific scene unfold.

"First responders are reporting 6 dead, 16 wounded." Hotchner added.

Nina's eyes became entertained with the man carrying out a woman out of the building. "Brave guy." JJ commented, practically reading the raven-haired woman's thoughts.

"Anyone claimed responsibility?" Derek inquired.

The blonde tech analyst shook her head, "Not yet."

"No, but Indianapolis P.D. believes it may be related to a bomb that went off in an elementary school last week." Their boss explained to the team, cuing Penelope to transition to the next portion of the case.

"Yeah. That was relatively low yield. It claimed that life of Morton Truby." She told before furthering the intel. "He was a custodian working graveyard shift. Authorities found traces of TNT."

"Until today they thought it was an isolated incident." He mentioned, presuming a string of connections in recent events have taken part.

Kate chimed in, proposing a question. "Could this be another Boston or Oklahoma City?"

"Beanery is a popular chain. Exactly the type of location a domestic terrorist would target." Nina stated after shutting the close file.

"The unsub wants everyone looking over their shoulder." Rossi proclaimed, analyzing the unsub's tactics.

"And we also shouldn't rule out a disgruntled employee or fundamental groups." JJ reminded.

Hotchner shut the case file and picked up his suitcase, shortly nodding. "At this point we can't rule anything out. Let's move." He took the exit with his team filing out of the room after his trail.

While the team headed towards the elevators, Penelope departed to her office for more information about the ongoing case. Derek spoke up, "TNT doesn't pack much bang for its buck. It'd be pretty hard to hide the amount needed to cause the damage to that coffee house." He insighted.

"This feels like page 118." Spencer casually replied, earning confused expressions. "The Anarchist Cookbook. TNT for Dummies." He tried to explain though only received a nod of understanding from Nina. So, he clarified even more for the rest of the team. "The blast at the school seems rudimentary. It may have been the unsub's testing ground."

Nina followed by saying, "The coffee house could indicate a drastic escalation."

"The book also teaches you to make nitroglycerin." He informed. "The coffee shop could represent a steep learning curve."

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