Chapter 4

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"Gosh what was i thinking of agreeing to carry him home?"

You rambled on and mentally scolding yourself why you allowed yourself to carry the drunk guy who was now puking on the road side way.

Moments Earlier

​​​​"Yoongi~ah i think that's enough alcohol for one night " Jin ​​​​said taking away every alcoholic content on the table.

"N-no give it b-back" he made an attempt to take it back but what can a drunk man do?

"You are drunk Yoongi, come on"

Holding him by the arms he helped him stand to his feet.

He wasn't all that drunk but he wasn't sober enough to know almost all the things that were happening around him just like now.

"Am n-not drunk, so give it back" His staggering feet's echoes all through the room.

"Hyung he really needs to rest to sober up" Hoseok said walking down to the fridge.

"Yeah he should go home now! Jae take care of him" The said male was handed over to you leaving you with no other choice.

You can't possibly leave him there and worst of all you didn't come with your car. What's left for you is to walk down home with you as his guard.

​​​​​​"Could life be anymore wicked"

​​​​​​Present Time

"Are you ok?" You asked seeing him catching his breath after his little puking show.

You handed him the water bottle you were with, to which he took gulping down every liquid in the can and small drops of water dripping out from.his mouth.

"Come on let's go, we are almost home" Your hands unknowingly went to help him stand but it was roughly shoved away from him.

"I don't need your help, so get lost and quit bothering me.... You are such a pest"

'Calm down Jae! Deep breaths... He's just drunk and doesn't know what he's saying' you mentally calmed yourself stripping out every thought of you killing him on the spot.

You took a deep breath and forcifully pestered a smile on your lips.

"Shall we?"

He stood up and staggeringly walked ahead with you trailing from behind to catch him if he ever falls.

"You are lucky am not a murderer" You back eyed him throwing him one killer look.


"Aiish- my head really hurts, Ahhh Yoongi why did you drink a lot last night?

He snuggled to make his way to the kitchen trying to ignore the feels of pain all over his body.

'The deeds of yesterdays getting back at him'

"You are up?" You asked looking up from the kitchen counter stool you were sitting on quietly drinking your corn flakes.

He totally ignored you without sneaking a look at you.

'What a brat!'

"What a way of thanking the one that took care of your ass last night"

"I didn't ask you to" he side eyed you gulping down the bottle of water.

"I was a fool for tolerating you last night but all good, what should i have expected? I made hangover soup, you should drink that before it gets cold.... Am off"   ​​​​​

You cleared your plate and quickly carried your books and off you went.

You had early morning lecture and this is too good of a morning to let some annoying bitch of a guy to ruin your day ahead.

"Min Jae!!" A very familiar voice called racing down to you.

"Annyeong Ri-jin"

"What's with the long face? Did you and Mr. Grumpy have a little chit chat?" 

You sighed and started walking towards the coffee shop just a stone throw from your school.

It was more of a habit to drop here everyday of school. You were a deep coffee lover just like Yoongi. You and Yoongi both live for caffeine...

"That guy is a deep pain in the neck" 

"What did he do again?"

"Just ​​​​​​forget about it, i don't want to ruin this beautiful day of mine" You tired said handling your credit card over to the cashier who gladly took it.

"Fine but if he keeps annoying you just let me know so that i will have his balls kicked out"

You stopped in your tracks and stared weirdly at your bestie who was clearly exaggerating her ego off.

"And who is going to do just that?"

"Me of course, you think i can't do it? Whoa don't underestimate me Jae, i can literally kick his balls out with just one hard kick"

"Yeah, yeah i get it Strong woman Do Ri-Jin! So you can stop talking now" You gave her the 'what the fuck' ​​​​​​look and quickly got back on your tracks "Say that to someone who didn't ignore her own friend all night long the moment she sighted a guy" 

"Ahhh Jae it isn't like that-"

"Don't bother to defend yourself, i know you love him.... I can see it in your eyes" You raised your brows and intentionally teased her like how she normally does to you.

'What goes around comes around' 

"Jae i swear it isn't like that, last night we were just talking nothing else"

"Alone in his room all night chatting that you didn't even know when i had to drag that annoying drunk ass home and you call that just friends? You know what best, say that to someone who is naive to dating things." 

"Awww if someone hears you talking right now, he will think that you've had thousands of dating experience not knowing that you are still a pure virgin"

She really got you right in the tail. Back in freshmen days, she teases you like hell always calling you a virgin ghost with a grudge.

"Yah who told you am still a virgin? I have dated before" It felt like all the hormones in your body switched to defensive mode.

"Ahhh so courageous of you my friend, tell me, who? Who did you do it with?" She curled her hands tightly around your elbow not giving you space to breath.

She knows you are lying but it is kind of to see you trying to cover up your inactive relationship life.

"Look, is Jimin" You trickly pointed at an unknown figure knowing she will catch, giving you the chance to run away.

"Yah Min Jae you liar, wait until i catch you"

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