Chapter 18

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"Shouldn't we do something to celebrate" Yoongi suddenly asked

You momentarily stared at the blond male right behind you as he closes the door confusedly "For what?"

"I mean since they now all know-!" He nitpickingly said as he took sinful strides towards you " I was hoping we will get to spend the night alone-"

"Of course we are alone" You cut him off

"Well you know spend time alone doing stuffs"

You purposely knew where he was heading to but your naive self decided to play dumb.

"And stuffs like what?"

He didn't mutter a word as he suddenly back hugs you, his hands tightly wrapped around your not so flat stomach. He trailed wet kisses in your neck and all through your backbone. You silently smirked at his little game.

"How about stuff like this?" You could feel the close breath as he whispers to your ear and went back to kissing your neck determined to mark you once again but let's watch out and know if he will get his way.

You bit your lower lip and silently took a deep breath as you try suppressing any form of moan trying to rip off your mouth.

That will only give him the satisfaction that he wants and you weren't in the mood to give that to him. Well not after what he carefreely blab out earlier.

'He deserves a punishment and that he shall get'

"And how about i say.... No?"

He untangled his lips from your neck and turned you around to face him with his hands loosely wrapped around your normal sized waist.

He looked at you with pleading doeful eyes ready to charm you with that. Truth be told, you were already trapped in that little charm of his but your determination spoke for you.

"Why but i want you?" He lovingly whined

You eyed up and cutely smiled at him revealing your hot one-sided dimple.

"Awww that's so cute of you but what should we do am not in the mood" You intentionally wrapped your hands round his neck and snuggled closer up to him.

"Jagiya i swear it won't take that long"

You instantly changed your eye shape and sexily looked at him.You snuggled closer to him that your body was pressed against the most needful part of his body.

Someone will definitely mistaken it as you seducing him but that was the very last thing on your mind. You don't need to seduce him to get what you want, all you have to do is say it out.

You were immensely trying to make sure that you ride him up to the extent of exploding and then you will leave him to sort it out himself.

Your motives were tempting even to yourself but he needs to be taught a lessoin.

'Privacy should always remain confidential not spread out like the gospel'

"I want to feel you right inside me now but am still sore from last time"

"I promise to be gentle t-this-" His voice hitched as an unplanned moan leapt out when you suddenly bit down on his neck leaving wet kisses.

He was right where you wanted him to be.... Just a bit more.

You made step stopping at the couch. You detached your lips from his neck pushing him down to sit on the couch, not seconds later you sat on him straddling him and connecting your lips back to his already sensitive neck.

"Uhmmm J-jae shouldn't w-we go to the room?" He strongly manage to mutter out.

You kept silent not answering to him, you wanted to get this done with and get some sleep.

It was getting tense and hotter as the needy guy was now set on the edge.

Just at the very moment he thought things will go the next level, you evily smirk and quickly got up detaching your lips from his neck. He looked up at you confusedly when he felt the tingling feeling gone.

"Ahhh where are you going?"

"To bed"

"R-right now?"

"Yeah! If not now then when?" You innerly smiled seeing how worked up he was at the moment.

"A-are you leaving me like this?" His eyes went down referring to the hard boner he was having.

"After what your blabbing mouth did earlier, i think it is fair enough for me to do that" You grabbed your things ready to head in.

"Jagiya please! If you leave me like this, what do you expect me to do?" 

"The last time i checked you have hands, use it or isn't that's why you have two perfect healthy hands ?" You sarcastically said acting like you less care.

"Please Jae this is too much for a punishment.... It was a slip of tongue"

You chuckled and walked closer to him;

"And that your slip of tongue will cost me a lifelong constant teasing. You are lucky enough to have an intimidating aura and surely the boys will tease you but only for a while but mine case is so entirely different. So stop whining, you are pretty much of a big boy to handle this" ​​​​​​You patted his cheeks and turned around.

"Since we can't have sex, can't we just sleep together while cuddling?"

​​​​​​"No bye bye! To your tent oh Yoongi" With one last laugh you waved at him and quickly slammed the door shut.

He sighed and ruffled his hair slumping back down to the couch slamming his feets against the marble floor;

"Aiiish why did i say that? Look who is getting the punishment... We can't even cuddle now but that's so unfair! What should i do now?"

He patiently sat there hoping that you will have a change of heart and finally come out but someone should please tell Yoongi that he should wait no more and go and asleep.

Awww so sorry Yoongi but you need to accept that, that's what definitely comes with dating. So don't annoy your girlfriend again or prepare to go on an infinity sex ban.

"Looks like you are really getting punished tonight, time to go sleep by myself in this lonely cold night"

"Awww don't cry Yoongi"

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