Chapter 12

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"Dude what was that all about yesterday?" 

The boy's were flooded around Yoongi questioning him like detectives. They were surprised seeing his actions yesterday and they won't leave until they have gotten the slightest bit of information.

"What was all about? I don't know what you guys are talking about" He pokerly said feigning ignorance and shying away from their gaze.

"Don't play dumb with us Yoongi, you know you aren't going anywhere until you've spilled it ?" Hoseok said with a serious look.

"I don't see anything wrong with what i did, i mean i was just helping out or is it wrong to help someone again?" He asked thinking he will get away with it.

"There is nothing wrong with you lending a helping hand but why the sudden change of mind? Is strange seeing that come from you"

Yoongi truly didn't know how to answer to that. He wanted to tell them but he wants to wait until you've agreed to his proposal but at the same time he wants to keep it a secret, knowing his friends they will tease him all through the years.

"Since you guys wants to know, i helped because she drank because of me"

"Since when were you and Jae close to the extent of drinking together?" Taehyung asked with furrowed brows trying to click everything together.

"We ate dinner together, that was the side dishes mom said that i should give her"

"Did you guys drink while eating ?" Jungkook spoke up after a long silence.


"Please make me understand this, You meant Omoni (mother) set aside dishes for Jae and you guy's ended up eating that for dinner and since you guys didn't drink during dinner? So how did the drinking part come into this?" Namjoon asked with a look that tries puzzling things together.

"I really didn't know that she can't drink heavily, i offered her a drink after dinner"

"Wait! Just a moment, you meant you and Jae drank together without any fistful fights?" Jimin asked finding everything interesting and hard to believe.

"Don't make it sound like we fight everytime we see each other" Yoongi voiced out, his tune slightly annoyed.

"Whoa Yoongi~ah what's with that tune? Don't tell me you are getting all worked up because we are just saying the truth?" Jin who was sensing something deeper in the air indirectly interrogated him.

"What truth? I am not getting worked up... I mean if someone hears you now, he will tag us as enemies where as we are not"

That statement really caught everyone off guard...

"Yoongi~ah you are really acting strange today, there is something you are not telling us... Right?"

"Damn forget it, am out of here" He sprang on his feet and angrily stormed out of the hall.

"Guys something isn't rhyming here...."


"Yah Jae snap out of it" Ri-jin hand taps you for the nth time since today "Ok Jae that's enough for today, spill it out"  She said facing you with her hands crossed.

"Am fine Ri-Jin"

​​​​She snorted and eye glared you not believing a single word you said.

"No you are not! You've been totally out of it since this morning... Did anything happen that i don't know of ?" She asked with voice laced with worry.

You shooked your head not giving her the answer she wants to hear.

"Then what is it? You are really acting strange today"

"I swear Ri-jin is nothing!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah is probably my body still acting up from the alcohol in my system"

Knowing your friend, you knew she won't stop until you've giving her a very reasonable reason. All you could do now is pray that she buys it and it seems like it worked because at that moment her facial expressions changed to that of a worried mother.

"Does it still hurt that badly? We can skip class if you want to rest"

"Heck no Ri ! Is not that bad to the extent of skipping class" You yelped out quickly stopping your friend who was already on her feet's ready to carry out her idea.

If there is something you wouldn't think doing, that is skipping class. Been born to a rich family that there life motto is been built on 'Education is the key' didn't help matters.

"Ok, ok calm down! I was just worried about you" She said sitting back down.

"You don't have to worry i am fine, ok?" She nodded her head with a smile

"You didn't tell me that you and Mr. Grumpy suddenly grew close to each other" She asked changing the topic.

"Who?" You eyed up not fully registered on who she was talking about

"I mean Yoongi, since when were you guys close enough to the extent of drinking together?" You looked at her with opened eyes trying to recall when you let that piece of information out.

"H-how did you know ?"

"Leave it, that doesn't matter now! So back to my question" She said quickly dismissing it.

You gulped down trying to find the right word to use, avoiding slipping out any piece of information that could rat you out before coming to a decision.

"We happened to eat the dinner he brought home and along the way we drank" 

"Well that's not the story i heard" She sat up crossing her legs.

'How in the world did she know this? Who in the heck told her' You thought getting nervous by the way she was questioning you.

"Ahhh i mean we drank after dinner that's all" You said plain and simple.

"Hmmph, ok" She cheekily smirked nodding her head

"What's with that smirk? I swear that was all". You said getting all quickly defensive.

"What? Did i say anything?" The look in her face didn't changed as she suddenly relaxes back at her seat folding her hands while doubtingly staring at you.

It was like she didn't believe any single word you said.

"Then stop giving me that look" You were getting really nervous.

"Seriously are my not allowed to look again? Or is there something else you are not telling ?"

"Haha that's so funny Ri-jin" You nervously laughed getting away from her gaze.

"I can see through you Jae"

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