Chapter 19

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"What's up with his mood this morning ? Why does he keep murmuring to himself" ​​​

Tae whispered pointing at the pale blond guy sitting at the window corner of the room.

"He's pouty angry"

"What? But why?"

"Thought he will be rewarded but it was the other way round.... He got punished"

"Punished? By who?" He asked confusedly

"Your best friend Jae of course"

"Jae? Don't tell me they already fought" He asked 

"No is nothing like that, he was denied the late night Yoongi's privilege and he is damn pouty about it"

"What? God this is so funny.... You mean, hahaha Jae did that?" He said trying to suppress the pending laughter about to rip off him. "Awwww our Yoongi should bear with it, that's what comes with dating. Gosh i can't stop laughing"

"Our Yoongi is wrapped around love.... Don't worry Yoongles am sure you will get back your privilege soon enough"  Hoseok who was on his phone the whole time shouted to the hearing of the whiny male.

"Like how could she do is to me? She even left me all turned up" He said murmuring once again.

"Never thought i will ever see this side of Yoongi" Jin said tilting his head.

"He's really one to be called a lover boy and not me" Jungkook chipped in clicking his tongue.


"I know i didn't tell you but trust me i never expected this to happen. It was so sudden but to cut the whole story short.... Yoongi and i ar-"

"Dating?" She cut you off midway

"Yeah we are dating.... What?"

"I know you and Yoongi are dating"  She said her voice pitch signalling she wasn't surprised nor shocked.

"But how did you find out? Did Taehyung tell you? Ahhh that sly fox"

"Yeah he did but after i have already found out"

"And you aren't surprised about it" You asked looking at her with one piercing eye.

"Nope am not! I knew it was already bound to happen just that you didn't see it earlier enough"

"Know what? Girl you are confusing me" You said staring at her like she's lost some nut

"Don't worry best! Want me to gist you?" She said and suddenly gave you those mischievous smile of hers.


"So why did you call me out this late? Am sure we are not that very close to be seen out together" Ri-jin kind of snapped the moment she got to the venue Yoongi texted her to meet up.

Yoongi and Jinnie were friends but just that she doesn't like he's rudeness and most especially how you both disagree on everything.

"I need your help with something" He said with his natural poker face.

"You need my help and what may that be?"

"Help me get up with Jae"

"What? And why? Haven't you done enough.....Are you looking for other means to get on her nerve,? if so better quit or you won't like my next action" She irritably said not giving him a chance to talk.

"No, no Jin that's not why.... Gosh i can't believe i am saying this" He stopped and ruffled his hair "Am in love with Jae"

"What?" Her eyes were about to pop out as she looked at him.

There was a moment silence as she took time to try administer what he said but everything made no sense to her at that point.

"Hey Yoongi do you think am stupid or what? If this is a prank stop it because is no longer funny" Jin felt like bouncing on him and wrestle him to death.

"Funny enough am not joking, believe me am damn serious about this.... Is been a while since this feeling came to be and i don't know how to approach her, that's why i need your help. Help me get much closer to her.... I truly want to rebuild our relationship" There was sincerity in his voice and Ri-jin felt it too.

She kept quiet wondering what to do.

How can she believe him and entrust her best friend over to him but at the same time she wasn't heartless to deny the deep sincerity in his voice.....

"Please Jin help a friend... Yeah i know that we are not that close but we aren't enemies and you can't deny the years we've known each other and i can help you out with Jimin" ​Seems like she bit the unrefusable bait.

"Ok deal! I will help you but if you dare try anything stupid, you will have me to contend with" She quickly said not letting go of the bait.

"You have my word and i promise" He said showing off his gummy smile.

"Ok! Now here comes the plan....."


"So that's how it happened but they deal was if you don't reciprocate the feeling, he backs off but thank goodness it worked out. Look out you now all happy you got a boyfriend.... So tell me, how do you like my surprise?" You were shocked and literally out of words.

"Y-you mean this was planned and the Yoongi's apartment incident was also lie"

"No it really wasn't but it happened when we were in need of a plan and we just caught the bait. Seems like fate used that means to clear the path for you both and you both living together fastened the wheel"

"Hahaha what? This is unbelievable! All this have been happening around me and i didn't have a dime idea of what was happening " You chuckled in amusement not fully accessed everything.

"I know you are grateful but you don't have to thank me" You glared at her and pulled out your sandals

"You sly fox.... Come here i will kill you" You made a giant move to catch her but she manage to slip out.

"Jae! Wait i couldn't turn him down"

"Liar you agreed because of Jimin right? Wait until i catch you, you are going to die in my hands... You sold me off for a guy, right? " Right now your best friend was on the run from you.

Running about the whole school ready to chop off her head and feed them to the birds of the sky.

"You can't blame me for choosing and is a win-win situation, right ?"

"Yeah it will be a win-win when this sandals smashes your head into two"

'Hahaha what a set of weird friends'

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