Chapter 24

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Two years later

The long awaited plane finally landed in the shores of Korea.

A pale guy in white fila polo and a Balenciaga jacket reaching his mid tighs with a pair of black skinny jeans and a flat Nike sneakers was spotted right at the airport. 

His fashion sense was simple but it was damn good enough to make it sold out in ten different countries within a specimen of few hours.

"Did you prepare the car?" Yoongi asked as he walks down to the departure gate.

"Yeah!" His manager answered walking side by side with him.

"The keys" He set forths his hand in a receiving way.

"But why do you need it when we will be using the company's car?" He asks curiously getting the keys out from his bag.

"I won't be going with you guys" He pokerly said snatching the keys out from the older male hand.

"What? But you have to report to the company"

"Tell the company i will report in tomorrow but right now i have much important things to see to at the moment " He pulled out his face cap quickly putting it on, covering his mint green hair.

Without any glance he strode off to the opposite gate wanting to codely exit without drawing any attention to himself and escaping the traps of the paparazzi and fans shouts.

Mr. Son sighed ruffling his hair;  

"He's gonna be the death of me"


You tiredly plopped down on the couch after a long stressful day at school not minding to switch on the lights. You were in your finals and that means double work, extra classes and tons of assignments at your desk, practical works and revision of past questions.

It was indeed a stressful year...

Coming back to the comfort of your home and the wide spreading arms of your boyfriend spending the rest of days cuddling was a healing anecdote to your stressful and tiresome days. But this past months it seems like totally nothing but just a mere wish.

Right at the moment your boyfriend has been on a two months and 15 days world tour. Only video calls, texting and voice calls awits you every single day.

No cuddling, No hugging, No kissing and definitely No sex for this period and it wasn't that easy for you in fact for the both of you. But the love and endless happiness of seeing your so loved one doing what makes him feel alive kept you going. 

For this spam of two years you have always been there to support him and cheer for him in his life decision and you were still doing it. 

"Ahhh that bitch of a boyfriend, how could he not have called for almost two days? No texting! Gosh this is frustrating" You sighed throwing your legs up in the air.

"just wait until he comes back, he's really gonna get an earful.... I wonder how he is doing? Don't know if he have eaten anything yet, please God let him not be over stressing himself" Your entire body, soul and mind were all filled up with every Yoongi related thing " Gosh Yoongi stop doing this to me! When are you coming back.... I really miss you" You yelp going in the highest pitch your voice can attain to.

"Right here baby" A voice ripped out from the stairs.

You gasply sprung up glancing around in the dark room trying to figure out where the voice pitched was lacing from.

Not seeing anything you scaringly chuckled and falls back into the couch.

"Hahaha Jae you better stop thinking too much, look you are now hearing voices because you miss him so much" You hand fan yourself seriously trying to clear your mind off things for a while.

"I missed you too" The voice came back again.

If you weren't scared before, you definitely were at this moment.

"My mind please stop messing with me.... I know that's not Yoongi b-but it does really sound like h-him, Noway he's not even in Korea" 

The light was flicked on the minute your crazy side started showing up.

You let out a very loud shout covering your face with the pillow lying on the couch....

"Jagiya are you ok? Is me Yoongi" The voice softly said but you firmly disagree still scared to look up.

"My mind stop playing wi-" You wallowed up the remaining words when a very familiar touch merged up with your hands.

"Shhh Jagiya no need to be scared, is me Yoongi... Am back" Your eyes were fully wide ready to pop out, having fully registered everything you were left with no option but to believe.

You slowly lifted your head and was met with the presence of the male your heart so long for, your hands unknowingly touched his face, feeling him to be sure it wasn't your eyes deceiving you and then reality struck you.

'It was him.... Yoongi is finally back in your arms but how?'

"Miss me?" His grinning like voice snapped you out of your trance.

He was expecting a bone crushing hug but reality hit him when he was met with a beating.

"Aishh... Ouch! That hurts" He whimpered but you kept hitting him with your tiny fist.

"How could you not have called me? You know how worried i was and you didn't even tell me you were coming back.... You know how much i missed you? And for two days i didn't hear your voice, you sly bitch" Your voice hitched as you finally got to let out all the emotions you've been keeping in.

"But am here now... Aiish that hurts! Can you stop hitting me now? Ok, fine am sorry! I just wanted to surprise you" 

"Surprise my foot! Is that enough reason to get me worried" You sniffled and tried hitting again but his hand stopped you midway pulling you into a very passionate and realistic hug.

"Don't cry, hmm? Am sorry! I just wanted to surprise you, so i left earlier than the schedule boarding time. I missed you too" He released you from his hold and wiped your tears.

"I hate you" You sniffle and looked away.

"Oh you don't! I just witnessed your little acting show earlier. Hmm maybe you should enroll into an acting school you will perfectly fit in" You glared at him and tried hitting him once again but he was fast enough to grab your hands.

"You don't want to keep hitting your boyfriend, You know you wouldn't go unpunished..." ​​​​​​He smirkingly reminded.

You huffed and relaxed back in the couch

"Not if i don't let you"

"You know you can't resist me..." He seductively said giving you those sexy eyes of his that makes you all submissive to him.

"That won't work on me" With gritting teeth you muffled out.

"Then stop me if you can"

Within the next moment he unblinkly smashed your lips together, hungrily devouring them like it was his last meal. You were suddenly pulled to his lap as he kept kissing you, your hands wrapped around his neck not wanting to let go.

He smirks into the kissed and pulled out;

"Still doesn't work on you?"


The End...

To all my readers, thanks for staying with me to the end, I love you all.

I will be back with a new fanfic, see ya

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