Chapter 8

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"Min Yoongi!!!"

An explosive shout escalated from the home office of Min Jungwoo

'His father'

As said Yoongi visit to home was never one to end in a good note. He and his father are too stubborn to see eye to eye.

"I am your father and you must listen to me" Mr. Min shouted banging his hands on the table.

"You been my Dad doesn't give you the privileged to make decisions for me. I am me and i will make my own decisions not you-!" He too snouted.

"Yes it does! And i am not letting you go down the drain with your stupid dream of been an artist. So, you better listen and do the needful before i am forced to act "

Yoongi scoffed with an irritating chuckle;

"And what is the needful Dad? Me living music and focusing on business? Is that what will satisfy you? Well sorry to break it to you Dad, i am not and will never quit music just to take over a company i have no interest for !"

The yelling and shouting resonating from the Father and Son was so out loud. It was disturbing the whole mansion and Mrs. Min left with no choice had to interval before things gets out of hand.

"The earlier you accept your responsibility, the better for you". Mr. Min said with every ounce of authority left in him.

"You can freeze my accounts or do whatsoever you want to do but none of that would change my mind. I am going to be a musician and you won't change that"

Mr. Min charged towards his son but the gap was closed when Mrs. Min quickly intervene.

"What's wrong with you both fighting like cat and dog and you Honey don't tell me you were about to hit your own son ?" Her gaze burnt into her husbands soul. He ruffled his hair keeping a silent tone "And you Yoongi is that the way to speak to your father? Apologize!"

Yoongi's head quickly snapped up throwing her the 'are you serious' look.

"But mom i didn't do anything wrong-!" he whined but his mom wasn't having any of it.

"Apologize to your father now!"

"Am sorry" He managed to mumbled out.

"We can all sit down and discuss this as a family and not you both fighting, ok?" Mrs Min said trying to calm everyone down.

"There is nothing to discuss mom! I am going to be an artist and that's final, so dad should learn to accept that "

'He doesn't know when to shut up'

"Get him out of my sight now before i lose my cool" Mr Min was heavily glaring at his son.

"Fine am out" He ran his feet's on the marble floor as he exited the room with his mom running after him.

"Yoongi~ah wait up"

He halted in his steps turning his gaze away from his mother's view.

"Son you should understand your father, he is hard on you because he is looking after your welfare"

"How is that looking after my welfare when he is trying to take away my life dream?" He angrily asked now facing his mom but still avoiding her gaze.

"Yoongi~ya look at me" ​​​​​He slowly brought down his gaze to her level. "You know i will always support you with whatever you choose to become?" He nodded his head.

"If been an artist will make you happy, i will solely back you up and i will try convincing you dad. He is just been stubborn " A large smile ran across his lips as he tightly hugged his mom snuggling his face into her neck.

He may be tough to the world but to his mom, he was only a baby.

"But don't speak to your father in that manner again, he is still your father no matter what, Understood?" He nodded with a pout.

"Fine but that doesn't mean i am going to give into his demands "

"You and your father are so stubborn! Enough of the talk.... So how is school?" She dragged him sitting him down the couch.

"Fine mom, just the usual" He answered not wanting to tip off his ongoing expensive house maintenance.

Despite his family been filthy rich, he didn't want to be a burden. He was in a task of proving something to his dad.

'That he can live with out his father's full financial support'

"What about my beautiful boys?" She was obviously referring to the perfect duos.

"They are all cool, i think Jimin is already taken"

"What! Really? Wow my boy's are all growing... They are now men enough to have girlfriends" There was happiness visible in her voice. She treated the boys like her own son's.

"What about you Yoongi? When are you going to bring a girl home?"

"Mom!" His eyes widened and mouth opened agape

"What? Don't mommy me.... Tell me when you are going to introduce a girl to me or should i set one up with you? "

"Don't you dare mom!" His vocal cord was definitely stretched out.

Mrs Min smiled already knowing the meaning behind that shout. She can read her son front to back.

"You don't have to set anybody up mom, i, seriously i-i actually have someone in my mind but i haven't confessed to her yet but i will soon do that" This words came out more like a murmur but since everywhere was cold like that of an ice, mrs Min didn't have difficulty hearing every single word.

"I bet she must be beautiful just like our lovely Min Jae, Hope you guys aren't fighting like cats and dogs anymore?"

Let's say that all the duo families knew about the ferocious mortal combat that conspire between those two.

'They weren't enemies rather Frenemies"

"Mom must you paraphrase her name like that? Seriously our lovely girl..."

"Why can't i use it?

"You make it sound like she is everybody's girl" Mrs Min with furrowed brows stared at his son who was shying away from her gaze.

"No it can't be..." She thought within her trying to read the handwriting on the wall.

"Son is this what am thinking? Are you---"

"No mom.... Come on mom am hungry, i want to eat your ttebeokki " ​​​​​​He cut her off and immediately stood up pulling her along with him.

​​​"Easy on the pulling Yoongi~ah, i am no longer young as i used to be"

"That's not true mom, you are still my beautiful mom" He was back hugging her now they were in the kitchen.

"Stop flattering me Son"

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