chapter 25: who was exposed?

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Once they all met up again, Oikawa noticed how weird Atsumu was walking. Why was he holding onto Sakusa's arm for extra support?

"Wait did you-" Oikawa said to his boyfriend.

"What???" Iwaizumi asked genuinely confused.

Oikawa looked back at his boyfriend annoyed.

"Atsumu is acting weird! Iwa-chan, don't you notice it too?!" Oikawa said silently yelling at his boyfriend.

"I'm sure it's fine, anyway, did you see the huge bears that Tendou and Ushijima Have?! Holy shit!" Iwaizumi knew exactly why Atsumu was walking like that, but he didn't want his boyfriend to worry to much about.


That morning with Sakusa and Iwaizumi:

"Are you spying on them???" Sakusa said looking at Iwaizumi weirdly.

"Mhm, and I got information for you" Iwaizumi said smirking devilishly.

"Well, what is it?" Sakusa asked completely unbothered.

"What I told you, your boyfriends has something prepared just for you?" Iwaizumi said smirking even more.

This got Sakusa's attention immediately.

"Tell me what it is. Now." Sakusa was very serious.

"I don't know if I can tell you, I mean it is very private information..." He said teasingly Sakusa.

Iwaizumi knew that Sakusa was ready to kill him if he didn't tell him anthing.

It had been a couple of seconds, yet none of them had said anything. Sakusa was intensely looking at Iwaizumi waiting for him to spill the information that he had just heard.

"Fine, they will go to an amusement park later during the day, and your precious boyfriend will make a move hopping you'll fuck." Iwaizumi said looking at Sakusa seriously yet smirkingly.

This made Sakusa blush, alot. His face was very red, from one ear to another. He couldn't handle the piece of information he had just gotten, so he left the room, to calm down a bit.

He couldn't believe Atsumu wanted to have sex with him. He had always seen Atsumu as this cute angry gremlin, but now this was completely new. Yet Sakusa was very happy about it, in fact, a bit too happy. He had gotten a boner just from imaging what he could do to Atsumu.

He went to tge bathroom and started masturbating, to get rid of the boner.

"Ah~ Atsumu~ fuck -~♥︎"




They met up, and left the park. Atsumu and Oikawa ended up talking to a few more locals that they knew. Then, they got back into their cars and drove back towards their suite.

Ushijima was driving the car, since Sakusa and especially Atsumu wanted to sit at the back. Of course, Tendou noticed that Atsumu was acting weird. But he decided to not pay attention to it too much, since it might just be that Atsumu is tired after the long day they had.

In the front of the first car were ushijima and tendou holding hands again as Ushijima drove the car, while at the back was Atsumu cuddling Sakusa.

In the second car were Terushima and Daisho talking calmly about what they did and in which rides they had been on with Oikawa and Iwaizumi at the back. Bot Iwaizumi and Oikawa were asleep. They hadn't done alot, yet they seemed so tired that the fell asleep.

Both Terushima and Daisho noticed, so they decided to lower the music volume, and to talk lower.

They rode for a couple more minutes before arriving at the parking lot where they parked their cars.

Atsumu couldn't walk anymore, so Sakusa carried him. The others asked both of them what was going on with Astumu and why couldn't he walk. Sakusa just responded with "He is tired."

The first car went near the second car where Daisho and Terushima were standing and just stood there confused. So Daisho pointed to the car window, where everyone saw Iwaizumi and Oikawa sleeping cutely while cuddling and holding hands. They all tought that they must be exhausted if they were so fast asleep, knowing both of them had a hard time falling asleep.

They had to be woken up, so they decided to wake up Iwaizumi and see what to do with Oikawa.

Once Iwaizumi up, he decided to just carry Oikawa to bed, not to wake him up. And he did it successfully. Iwaizumi then changed his clothes and his lovers clothes. He then got into bed and cuddled his lover. They were both fast asleep and happily dreaming.


With the others, things were a little bit more ~spicy~.


To be continued...

A/N : more spice, so smut comming up next chapter- lmao, this is getting out of hands-. Anyways, hope you liked this very short chapter!

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