Remember Me

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"I thought i'd find you here." I turn to see Bellamy emerge from the trees. "I guess you know me so well." He shrugs moving to stand next to me. "I guess I do." He looks down at Wells grave a pang of sadness crossing his face. "We've come a long way since that day we landed on the ground." I nod turning back to Wells grave "yeah. Your not an rebellious ass anymore." He laughs running his fingers through his hair. "na i'm still a rebellious ass. I mean I have my moments." 

"He didn't deserve this Bellamy. He was good person who shouldn't have died that way, down here." He wraps an arm around me pulling me close "I'm sorry." His tone shows that he is truly sorry which surprises me. "I thought you hated Wells." He pulls back enough to look at me then shrugs "yeah I was annoyed with him at first then I kinda grew to.... respect him." His voice shows no sign of humor meaning that he was serious. "Respected him?" He looks back down to Wells grave "Yeah, I mean I wasn't blind I saw how he would do anything to protect you. He gave up his whole life to come down to this hellhole to be with you, to make sure you'd be safe." He gives a small laugh "I guess i'm not the only one who would go to great lengths to protect someone I love." I quickly wipe away a few tears "he let me hate him for so long, let me hate him for something he didn't do."

"That's love Clarke." He pulls me back into his arms which makes me feel safe I wish we could stay like this forever not having to worry about grounders or Mt. Weather. Bellamy pulls back slowly wiping away a tear with his thumb. He gives me a small smirk that I used to find annoying as hell "yeah um.....don't tell Murphy I said all that." I can't help but laugh which feels like something I haven't done in centuries, Bellamy notices this too. "Wow I didn't know you had that in you." I roll my eyes making his smirk all the more bigger "neither did I." Bellamy takes a quick glance around contemplating something. "The sun's starting to go down. We should stay the night here so we're not walking back in the dark." I nod feeling the same "ok, we can start heading back in the morning." He gives a quick smile then heads towards the drop ship "don't stay out here too long." I roll my eyes at his comment now understanding how Octavia must feel half the time. I say one last goodbye picking a flower nearby and placing it on his grave "I love you too." I whisper lightly touching the patch of dirt. I get a small shiver as a whoosh of cold air blows over me as if telling me to go indoors.

I find Bellamy already comfortable on the drop ships floor his head propped up onto his bag. "I found some of the old blankets thought you might want one." He points to one of the hammocks that is holding a pile of blankets "thanks." I grab two off the pile laying one on the ground making a pillow. I pull the one blanket around me laying my head on my makeshift pillow resting my hands behind my head. Sleep is far from possible right now knowing that I will only be met by nightmares. The sound of Bellamy shifting in his sleep puts me at ease making me sleepy. I roll onto my stomach resting my chin on my hands feeling my eyelids start to droop. I sit up rubbing my eyes trying to drown out the sleepiness hoping that it will help. I pull my knees up to my chest hugging them close. "Clarke?" I turn to see Bellamy on his side looking up at me "can't sleep?" I shake my head turning my body to face him "more of i'm too scared to fall asleep." He sits up slightly rubbing some of the sleep out of his eyes "If you want you can sleep over here, it might help." I normally wouldn't even consider the offer but something about it made me feel better. He moves over to make room for me to lay next to him. "Thanks, Bellamy." He gives a small smile and stretches out fully on his side. He rests his head on his arm his eyes slowly shutting close "night Clarke." I smile closing my eyes "night Bellamy." 

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