Final Words

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One hundred of us came down to the ground. Forty-seven of us where taken by Mount Weather. Only a few of us survived. Death changes people. It changed me in more ways than one. I can still see their faces, all of them. Bellamy never lost his grip on my hand, even when we walked through the dining hall. Every time we walked past a woman or small child he would squeeze my hand. He might be the only one right now that actually gets it. Gets me. The rest of the members of Camp Jaha came to assist the wounded. The halls of Mount Weather seemed haunted with the ghosts of the dead. We left for camp right away not wanting to stay with the bad memories. Me especially. The ground seems foreign under my feet, like I don't belong here. I stare down at them watching each foot crush something underneath them. It will be a few more miles until we reach Camp Jaha so we have a long walk ahead of us. I look over to Jasper who is wandering away from the group slowly with every step. I've caught Monty hesitating to walk over there several times, but he never does. Jasper has the right to his space. We basically had to pry him from Mias body and Monty had to look away as they were doing so. Jasper hasn't said a word since and neither has Monty. "Clarke." I turn to see Bellamy slowing his pace to walk next to me. "Hey." I turn my gaze back down to my feet. Bellamy catches my hand making me stop. "Everything's going to be okay. We have our friends back and defeated Mount Weather." 

"The grounders are still out there. Lexa's still out there." I look up at him "We're not safe Bellamy. We'll never be safe because there're always be someone who will try and destroy us." 

"Then we do what we always do. Survive. Fight." He reaches up stroking my cheek with his thumb leaning in close. "You know the first time you ever told me off and decided to give me orders I knew that you were different. I knew that you could beat this world, that no matter what you would fight for the ones that you cared about. I still think that Clarke, you can beat this damned hellhole that we have been forced to live in." I don't know what it is about him that makes him think that he should give all of us grand speeches but they sure do help. I give him a small smirk and a playful eye roll. "As inspirational that was..." He lets out a laugh rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Thanks Bellamy." He nods smirking "anytime." 

The doors of Camp Jaha are swung open greeting the remaining survivors. I see a sea of relieved faces as they walk past the doors into camp. As welcoming the doors are supposed to feel I feel like the doors are about to slam in my face any second. You don't belong here. Several people brush past me but I seem to keep moving in the opposite direction. I see Jasper out of the corner of my eye making me turn my gaze to him. "I've never seen him like this before." Monty comes up next to me looking down at his feet. "Wouldn't be surprised if he never talks to me again." I bite down at my lip and look to him. "He's your best friend which means that he has to forgive you eventually. Just give him time he'll come around. Besides it's not even your fault. You just did what I told you to do. I'm sorry." He shrugs "You did what you had to." I nod and pull him into a quick embrace both for my sake and his. 

"I think that we both deserve a drink." Bellamy says moving to stand next to me.

"Have one for me. I'm not going in." He lets out a sigh turning to look at me. "Do you remember what you told me that night when you convinced me to come back with you. When I was ready to run away." I nod "If you need forgiveness, fine i'll give it to you. Your forgiven. Please come inside." 

"I can't"

"Yes you can. Clarke... I love you." He moves to stand in front of me. "I love you Clarke." 

"I know. I love you too Bellamy." But I can't stay. I'm so sorry. Damn it! What's wrong with me. Do something Clarke. Anything. Just do something damn it! My body reacts before my brain does as I pull Bellamy's head down pressing my lips against his. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. I don't want this to end. I want this to last unlike everything else. I feel his arms wrap around my body pulling me even closer to his body. If that were even possible. I pull back slowly moving to rest my head on his shoulder. I love you so much Bell. "May we meet again."                

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