No Place I'd Rather Be

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"She should have been back by now." Bellamy runs his fingers through his hair pacing outside of his tent nervously. "I'm sure she's fine I mean it's Octavia." He stops pacing still gripping his hair. I pat the empty spot next to me motioning for him to sit. He takes my offer plopping himself onto the ground with a sigh "what if something happened to her I mean its been two hours." He goes back to running his fingers through his hair "okay if she is not back in ten minutes i'm going out to look for her." He gets up and starts to shove contents into his pack "Bellamy relax she is probably just with Lincoln." He stops for a second and physically shakes a thought out of his head and I know exactly what he is thinking "I didn't mean like that." I lower my voice a bit "but it's most likely." I hold back a laugh as I watch Bellamy gives me a look of disgust "just stop okay." He gives a slight shudder "ah that's my sister." He slings his pack over his shoulder but then lets it fall "maybe you're right I mean I haven't seen Lincoln around either."

"exactly so come sit." I back up enough so that my back is against a tree. Bellamy joins me lacing his fingers together. "Shouldn't you be in some Mount Weather rescue mission meeting or something?" I shrug "it's the last place I want to be right now." He gives me a smirk "so you would rather sit here watching me worry about Octavia and whether she is or is not having sex with her grounder boyfriend." I roll my eyes at him "surprisingly yes." Bellamy combs out his hair with his fingers obviously still nervous. I cross my legs resting my head in my hand watching Bellamy comb out his tangles. I honestly can't remember the last time I actually used a hairbrush or even washed my hair. I run a few fingers through my own hair feeling the tangles and oil making me wrinkle my nose. What I would give for some shampoo right now. "You know as much as I like your company Clarke, we need to focus on getting our people out of Mt Weather." Bellamy rests his arm over his leg looking over to me. I know he is right but I still am not ready to face and lead these people no matter how much I act the part. "you're right." I get to my feet brushing dirt off my pants in the process. "i'll see you after then." I nod in response "bye."

"Now that we have our alliance we can start planning our attack." Lexa circles around the table carefully examining our 3D model. There are several grounders standing guard all eyeing my every move. Most of them are still not happy with the way that I ended Finn's life, not that I blame them. "We can access this door here." Lexa points to a spot on the 3D model "The structure is weak and will be easy to overcome if we apply just enough strength." She turns to me "I hear that Bellamy offered to be an inside man." I nod turning my gaze to the 3D model "It's too big of a risk and if he gets caught it's over."

"It wouldn't be over we would still have our plan of attack. Bellamy would just have died so that the rest of our people can live."

"I'm not taking that risk."

"Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment Clarke it can very well cost everyone their lives." I don't care if she's right i'm not going to risk Bellamy's life for an off chance that we can pull plan this off. "You do what you have to, to survive. Love is weakness Clarke remember that."

"Clarke!" I turn to see lincoln looking around franticly "have you seen Octavia?" damn it. "Bellamy and I thought she was with you." His face is filled with terror "I've looked everywhere and no one has seen her." I don't waste any time and sprint to Bellamy's tent calling out to him. "Clarke?" He springs up from the ground with a worried expression. "Octavia's wasn't with Lincoln and he can't find her anywhere." He immediately grabs his pack and throws it over his shoulder. "Where's Lincoln?" in response Lincoln comes towards us in a hurry.

"When was the last time you saw Octavia?" Bellamy asks

"She said that she had to do something back at camp and told me to wait by those trees." He pointed out to a group of trees behind us "when she didn't show I went looking for her." Bellamy takes in all this information clearly strategizing. "Okay we'll take one good sweep of the entire area and if we can't find her then we go out further." Lincoln nods in a agreement "Clarke you stay here in case she comes back. Which if she does come up with some sort of signal out in the woods."

"How will I know that you'll see it or even what to use for a signal?"

"You're smart I know you'll come up with something try something with smoke." I nod watching them start to wander off into the woods. "Bellamy." He turns slightly "be carful." I see him give me a small smirk "You know me. I will." Lincoln takes the lead breaking into a run Bellamy following close behind. I watch them until they disappear into the trees. "please be okay." I wish he was there to reply but he isn't and I pray that changes.

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