May We Meet Again: Book 2 Till The End

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It has been two weeks since the attack on Mt Weather and there is still no sign of Clarke. Abby and Kane have sent multiple search parties, but I know that they won't find her. She doesn't want to be found at least not by them. I rest my arms behind my head staring up at the lit up sky. I hope that wherever Clarke is that she is seeing all these stars. Knowing her she probably isn't and is tucked away in some cave. Raven suggested to look for her at the "art supply store" I told her that it would be a long shot with all those memories of Finn there. "Hey." I crane my neck upward to see Octavia looking down at me. "Hey." She gives me a small smile moving to sit next to me. "Can't sleep?" I roll my eyes how perceptive my sister is "no. I see you can't either." Judging by how dark it is i'm guessing it's around twelve in the morning. "Yeah I guess I never noticed it but. Lincoln tends to snore." I let out a laugh "you just now noticed." She gives me a questionable look "What do mean?" I try to calm my laughter but I have no luck "hate to break it to you O but everyone in this whole damn camp knows that Lincoln snores." It's too dark to fully see her face but I can tell that she is turning a dark red. She hits me in the chest laughing "why didn't you tell me that." I rub the small ache in my chest still unable to hold back my laughter. "I thought you knew I mean you are sleeping next to the guy." I am sitting up now hugging my knees. I can't remember the last time I heard my sister actually laugh. "This is nice, just like old times." She moves closer resting her head on my shoulder "yeah, just like old times." The sound of a faint snore in the distance makes us burst out laughing again. My sides are starting to ache and I grip at them hoping to ease the pain. Octavia leaves my shoulder to start throwing things in the nearby fire. Everything has gone quiet and our shared moment is over. "Clarke's still missing." I tighten my grip on my knees resting my chin on them "she's not missing she just doesn't want to be found right now." She turns to look at me rolling a small twig in her fingers. "You love her. I can see it." She tosses the twig into the fire brushing off the dirt on her hands. "How do you know I love her?" She scoffs and I can tell that she is rolling her eyes "Please." She turns away from the fire to face me smiling. "Bell you have only loved one other girl in your life and you're looking at her. I see how you look at her, the way you protected her from those grounders, the look on your face when you hear that she is danger. You love her Bellamy." She gives me a playful nudge "so what are you going to do." I let out a small laugh moving onto my back "um going to sleep." She hits me again in the chest making my wince, damn she is stronger than she looks. "You should be out there looking for her." I rest my hands behind my head staring back up at the sky. "I don't need to." 

 "Yes you do."

 "No I don't."

 "Why not?" 

 "Because I already know where she is." Everything goes silent even the crackle of the fire has faded. I don't turn to look at her as she tries to come up with something to say. "Okay... How. Why. Where." I don't really feel like explaining everything to her right now. She is still stumbling over her words so I raise a hand up to stop. "Look I don't really feel like talking about this right now. Why don't we just call it a night." I turn onto my side resting my head on my arm "Okay then." I wait until the sound of her footsteps are completely gone before I get up completely. There are only four other people awake in the whole camp and those are the ones patrolling the area. The fence has electricity running through it 24/7 except for one part. Raven pointed out the flaw last week saying that it's the perfect spot to get in and out. She isn't really up for fixing it either, I have a hunch that she knows that I do this every night. It's either that or she is convinced that Clarke will sneak back into camp. The guards have rounds are timed plus we only use flashlights only when we really need them so they are stuck with torches lit up around the fence. Most of the guards start to get drowsy at around two then leave to switch with the other guard. I have done this so many times that I have memorized each guards rotations. I crouch down next to one of the tents watching the one guard carefully. He always gets tired around this time and goes to wake the other guard which takes him around two minutes. Two minutes to get on the other side of the fence and out of sight before the other guard comes around. Five, four, three, two, one. The guard lets out a yawn right on cue. He slings the gun over his his shoulder slowly walking to one of the tents. The damaged part of the fence is a few feet away from where me so I have to make one straight dash in order to get to it. I straighten up slightly watching the other guard closely waiting for right moment to move. He looks my way for a few seconds then turns away which is my cue to go. I stay low and move quickly along the fence searching for the marker I had placed next to the spot in the fence. My eyes scan the ground searching for the rock I used as a marker. It's too dark to fully see the ground and the torches aren't helping. I crouch down running my hand trough the dirt. My fingers brush over the edge of the large stone, bingo. I reach up pulling the two wires apart enough for my to fit through. The guard will be back in one minute. I put my leg through the fence then the rest of my body pulling myself through. Once I regain my balance I break into a run not looking back. I don't slow down for a second and I won't until I have reached her. Clarke is a good thirty minutes but with my pace I will get there in half that time. I know that I shouldn't be out here at night especially when none of us know what's on the grounders agenda for us. I stop to lean against a tree catching my breath wiping away some sweat from my forehead. "That didn't take you long." I smile at the sound of her voice. She comes to view folding her arms over her chest. Clarke. I push off the tree capturing her waist pulling her close. "I had some motivation." She rolls he eyes as I lean down pressing my lips against hers. She unfolds her arms and pulls me closer to her body making me take a few steps forward. I wrap my arms fully around her lower back pulling her even closer then we already are. I never want this to end because kissing her is probably the most intense feeling I have ever felt and I love the feel of it. We both pull back slowly for air still clinging to one another as if someone will come any minute and rip us away from each other. She gives me a small smile then looks up "pretty sky, can't believe we used to live up there." I nod glancing up at the sky as well "yeah, pretty crazy huh. I mean one second we're up there and then next we're down here." She buries her head in me chest letting me rest me chin onto of her head hugging her close. "You okay?" I've asked her this question so many times that I know her answer before she even says it. Because it is always the same. "No. But you're here now." I pull back just enough to plant a small kiss on her forehead. "We should go. I have only had one run in with a grounder and I kind want to keep it that way." She says pulling back completely. I nod letting out a small yawn "some sleep would be nice too." She gives a quick nod taking my hand. "Come on I don't like being out here at night." She starts leading me to one of the many caves that are a few feet away from us. She ducks down into one her hand not losing its grip on mine for a second. Once we are inside she moves over to the cave wall sinking down to the ground. I do the same pressing my shoulder against hers. My eyes have adjusted to the dark and I notice the small bags under Clarke's eyes. "When's the last time you've slept." She loosens her grip on my hand and leans her head on my shoulder. "I don't sleep Bellamy. I can't." Her voice shows no sign of sadness which surprises me. Instead it's filled with something else. Fear. She wraps an arm over my torso burring her face into the my neck. I know that there is no getting her to sleep, at least not tonight. I let out a small sigh resting my head against the cave wall. My eyes are starting to droop but try to fight it. I rub my eyes a few times hoping that it will help. I feel Clarke's smile against my neck making me turn slightly to look down at her. "what?" She sits up fully her face inches from mine. "You're tired." I shake my head smiling making her roll her eyes. I let out a yawn making her laugh "come on Bell get some sleep okay." She reaches up to stroke my hair which only increases my need for sleep. I give her a small smirk accepting defeat "fine you win." She gives me a satisfied grin placing her head back onto my shoulder. "I love you Bell." I have already started to drift off but I muster enough strength to say it back. "I love you too."

 May We Meet Again Book 2: Till The End chapters 1-3 coming to Wattpad August 1st 

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