Then She Had Power

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"What happened to you?" Raven asks nodding to my knuckles that are giving off a small ache. I shrug it off cupping my knuckles with my hand. "Just felt like punching the hell out of a wall I guess." She rolls her eyes turning back to the radio "we're too late. They're already bleeding them." I listen to Monty's voice that's filling the room. I'm sorry. "It's over." Raven jumps up suddenly angry "no! You don't get to give up! You killed Finn and I didn't give up! I'm building a damn tone generator you do your job." We have been at each others throats for so long and i'm sick of it. "What is my job." I have never seen Raven this frustrated with someone before. "I don't know. To come up with something."

"I've tried." The sound of a voice filling the room makes us stop short. "Holy crap." Raven quickly moves to stand over the radio. My breath catches in my throat, I know that voice. I'd know it anywhere. Bellamy. He's okay. I take the radio from Ravens hand trying to steady my breathing. "Bellamy." I long for the sound of his voice even if it was for a few seconds. "Clarke" I can't hold back my smile. He's okay. He's okay. I take in a few deep breaths to keep myself from tearing up. "It's good too hear you voice." He gives out a small laugh "same here." I see Raven roll her eyes at the two of us but I ignore it. "Clarke. We don't have that much time, Jasper, Monty everyone they're all locked up in their dorm." I let out sigh of relief "but they're alive, all of them?" Maybe Emerson will be of use after all. "I think so at least for now. Mia says that they are already using their blood and things are about to get ugly in here fast." Mia? Why is she there giving us information. "Mia's with you?" 

"She helped me escape. If not for her I would be dead." His words make me tear up. It's all my fault i'm the one who let him go and he almost died. "Clarke." I shake away my thoughts and focus on Bellamy "There are kids in here we need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. Please tell me we have one." His voice sounds sad and shaky, something happened. I sigh going over our plan in my head, of course there're children in there.  "I hear you but we can't do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven's going to help you." He is quick to answer and I tell him the rest of my plan. There is so much more that I want to say to him but we don't have time. But he needs to know. Needs to know how truly sorry I am for saying what I said. I already get the feeling that he knows how sorry I am but I still to tell him so. "Bellamy, you came through I knew you would." I can hear the smile in his voice and that's all I wanted to hear. I hand the radio back to Raven "you're up." She gives me a small smirk which is a start. "Where you going?" I turn quickly because we don't have much time "I got an idea." Raven gives me her familiar gesture in response and turns back to the radio. This is going to work but I will need help and I know just who to turn to.

My mother is giving me a cold stare. The same one that she used give me as a child when I refused to obey her. My tone matches hers stern and steady "You may be the chancellor but i'm in charge." She is taken back which makes me feel like I have won. I want her to feel it. I want her to feel betrayed the same way I have. She keeps her cool and puts much authority in her voice "Indra tell you're men to stand down before things gets out of hand." Our minds are set and we will do what we have to no matter what my mother tries to do. Indra's voice is dark and cold "No." I know when my mother's been beat I can see it in her face. I can see her trying to desperately grasp at something to make us change our minds. I don't hesitate like I would have before on the Ark. "You need get out of my way and trust that I know what's best for us." I glance over to Kane who seems to be convinced and leans down towards my mom.  "The grounders trust Clarke maybe we should too." He gives me a small smirk telling me that he is on my side. Ever since I was a kid my mom had to always be in control. "Stand down." She says speaking over her shoulder. She gives me one last look then moves off to the side watching as each grounder brushes past her. "Open the gate now." Two guards push the giant doors open waiting for my next move. Emerson turns to face me awaiting his fate. My words start spilling out one by one and Emerson is listening carefully memorizing every word. I need to intimidate them make them know that we have a bigger army. That they were wrong to underestimate us. I grasp Emerson's oxygen letting out air "It's an eight hour walk to Mt Weather." I wait until the arrow hits hits the six. "You're going to do it in six." I lean in close "I would start running if I were you." He doesn't wait around and breaks into a jog disappearing into the night. I turn to Octavia who gives me a worried glance. "How does this help my brother?" Despite our differences we have one goal in common right know and that is to keep Bellamy alive. "I just told them that we have a secret army. The more they're looking at us the less they're looking at him." I grip both her arms leaning in slightly "I won't let anything happen to him okay, I promise." She nods slightly and I know she believes me. I let go of her and walk past her several grounders following close behind. My mother stands off to the side giving me a disappointed  look. Like she is any better than me. She catches up with me cutting me off "What you are doing is wrong and what you did just did back there proves it." Just the sight of her makes me angry. "No mom. What you did was wrong." I try to move past her but she grabs my arm pulling me back. "I did what I had to do Clarke. No matter what you think I loved your father." I rip my arm away from her grasp "If you loved him you wouldn't have let him die." I use to fear my mother but now she is nothing to me. Bellamy's voice circles my mind and I turn to look at her. "We are who we need to be to survive."  

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