2 Days Later

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It has been two days and Octavia is still missing. Bellamy and Lincoln have been searching for her nonstop. I haven't seen them since they'd left and my plate has been full ever since. Lexa saved me from one of the grounders on the the council then we ran into some sort of monster. I also came up with a plan to save our people in Mt Weather and with the right strategy we could pull it off.

"Clarke." I turn to see Lexa in between two of her grounder guards "we are ready to start making plans for attack." She is still healing from her injuries from the attack but I can tell that she is ready to fight whether she is healed fully or not. "I'll get the others." Raven and I are still going through a slight rough patch but we have been putting our differences aside so that we can focus on getting our people out of Mt Weather. I find her working on some of our many radios clearly using it as an distraction. "Raven." She looks up from her work looking slightly annoyed but gives me her full attention. "What's up?"

"We are going over our plan of attack and were going to need your help." She doesn't seem interested as she molds a few pieces together. "alright i'll be there." She goes back to work signaling me to leave "okay then." I hope that this tension between us goes away soon. I wander around camp for a few minutes watching the trees hoping to see Bellamy's figure come running out from the woods. "You have been watching the tree's for a couple of days now." I turn to see my mother with her arms folded over her chest. "It's Bellamy isn't it." I turn back to the trees still not in the mood to talk to her. "Clarke, you can't hate me forever, sooner or later you're going to have to talk to me."

"I have been talking to you I just have a lot on my mind right now." I wait a few minutes before walking back towards where Lexa said to meet. I see Raven coming towards me and a medium pace. "Clarke." She hands me one of the radios she has been working on "I managed to get this one working, if our signal wasn't jammed we could have contact with someone on the inside." I look it over in my hands then give it back to her. "good work this will be very useful." She nods then gives me a small smirk "lets go win a war and make those sick bastards pay for messing with us." She hits me lightly on the arm "time to be a badass Clarke."

"Clarke!" My mom bursts through the tent causing several grounders to draw their weapons. "It's Bellamy and Lincoln, their back." Lexa gives me a quick glance then turns away speaking softly to one of her guards. "Are they okay?" she nods slightly "They want to speak to you." I turn back to Lexa who nods in approval beckoning a grounder to follow me out. Raven walks in front of me following my mom to the infirmary where I am guessing Octavia is. My eyes scan the camp anxiously searching for Bellamy's figure. "Clarke." His voice sends a small shiver through my body. I turn quickly throwing my arms around his neck "You're okay." I feel him smile against my neck "yeah i'm okay." He loosens his grip around my back making me loosen mine. "Clarke we need to talk." I see Lincoln behind him who is staring off at the infirmary. "How's Octavia?" Bellamy shrugs "few cuts and bruises a gash on her head but other than that she's okay." I nod moving towards Lincoln who turns his attention to me. "We may be able to help get our people out of Mt Weather from the inside." Bellamy moves to stand next to Lincoln and I can tell by his expression that i'm not going to like what he's going to say. "I know you hated the idea of me being an inside man but Clarke we have no other option. Lincoln can sneak me and once I am in I can see if our friends are okay and maybe shut down some of their defenses." I bite down on my bottom lip there is no way that i'm letting him go in there alone. "Bellamy..." He cuts me off "I know what you are going to say Clarke but i'm doing this." I know he is right without him we are blind and know nothing about whether our friends are alive or even what they have for defenses."Clarke if we don't do this our people will die and i'm not going to let that happen." He takes a few steps forward placing both his hands on my shoulders "Clarke, you and I both know that we don't have any other choice. We need someone on the inside." Maybe not just Bellamy was right; maybe Lexa was too. I'm letting my emotions get in the way because the thought of Bellamy getting killed is unthinkable and I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Maybe it's not worth it to risk everyone else's lives just because i'm scared of losing someone I care about. Maybe I am weak and maybe love is weakness. I let out a sigh backing away from Bellamy's reach causing his arms to drop down at his sides. "You should go." I run my thumb over my fingers "It's worth the risk." His face falls for a second and I regret saying so but I don't take it back; instead I just brush past him. I feel his eyes on me as I walk away and I want to turn back around and take back what I said but I just keep walking.

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