The One Drenched In Red

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This can't be happening. Octavia was right it was too good to be true. I shouldn't have trusted Lexa. She betrayed me, betrayed us. I'm living my nightmare. I can't hold back the tears that are starting to form in my eyes. They're going to kill Bellamy. My friends. How could I have been so stupid. They're all going to die because I underestimated Lexa. The only other way into Mount Weather is through the tunnels where Octavia and the other grounders were planning to enter. I might have a chance there even if it is just me and no one else. The tunnels are quiet and empty except for the dozens of passed out reapers. The route is easy so I can find my way around just fine. I turn the corner expecting to find the arena empty but am met by Octavia. I'm not surprised. She would never leave Bellamy behind. "You're still here." She gives me an annoyed look angry "Screw you. Of course i'm still here." She moves over to the large garbage shoot looking inside the empty bin. "We need to find a way to get inside." I say moving to the door. She pulls her glance away from the bin looking to the door. "How do you expect us to do that." I pull out my gun aiming towards the keypad. I'm getting through that door. My finger starts to squeeze the trigger when Octavia's hand knocks the gun away. "What are you doing!" I put the gun at my side Octavia blocking my view. "Look if you want to lash out me fine! Go right ahead! Say what you want to say because i'm sick of this!" I'm not in the mood to argue with her right now but if it helps us get past this, than so be it. She crosses her arms over her chest taking a few steps closer to me. "You let all those people die Clarke! You knew about that missile but you just stood by and watched! You let my brother risk his life in there!" She uncrosses her arms to point to the locked door. Her eyes are starting to get glassy as the tears start to form. "You let my brother go in there alone! Not caring if he lived or died! He loves you Clarke and I know you do too yet you let him do this! He's the only family I have left and I can't lose him." I've never seen Octavia break down before and I think that she is taking out years of anger out on me. I don't mind it. I've had my fair share of pain but none of it matches up to her years of pain. She wipes away a few tears and I have the strong urge to pull her into an embrace but I can tell that she won't want it. "Feel better?" She bites down on her bottom lip turning away from me. "No. But i'm getting there." The faint beep of the keypad brings us back to reality. My gun is up in an instant as the door starts to swing open. Finally a way in. My finger is already on the trigger ready to fire, until I see him. His name comes out so quiet that I can barley hear it myself. "Bellamy." I watch Octavia rush to pull him into a long embrace relief washing over me. He meets my gaze which makes my heart skip a beat. He's okay. Octavia moves to hug Jasper and Monty which is another big relief to me. "Hey." Bellamy stands a few inches away giving me a small smile. "Hey. You're okay." His smile turns into a smirk as he looks down at his arms. "Few cuts and bruises but i'll be alright. What about you?" I give a small shrug "Ah you know just being leader. Nothing new." He's face suddenly goes serious "What happened out there?" He nods the tunnel behind me. "I underestimated Lexa. I trusted her and she betrayed me. Betrayed us." I suddenly can't look at Bellamy anymore. I feel like a little girl who has just disappointed their parents. "You did good Clarke." I know he's just saying that to make me feel better but it seems to help a little. I feel his warm hands on my shoulders "It's not your fault. We can end this Clarke. You and me together." He sure has a way with words. He slightly lifts up my chin and brushes away a strand of hair. "We can end this."

I've made plenty of life or death decisions before but I think this is my hardest. My people or theirs. Bellamy stands next to Dante staring at the gun I have aimed at the former president. I need Cage to believe me. Make him hurt and scared like the cowered he is. He needs to feel it. I can tell that Bellamy isn't thrilled about my plan but he isn't rushing to stop me. "Last warning Cage. Let my people go and       your father lives." I can tell from Cage's face on the screen he doesn't believe me. His mistake. I don't hesitate and am quick to squeeze the trigger. The sound of the gunshot and Dante's short breaths echo in my ears. You were wrong to underestimate me. His blood is on my hands now but I don't regret it. Add him to the list. It's only then that I notice my hand is shaking as the gun is still raised to where Dante once stood. "Clarke." I see Bellamy's hand wrap around the gun slowly pulling it away from my grasp. He sets it next to Monty who despite what just happened is typing furiously on the keyboard. I look up to the screen at Cage who seems slightly sad but not entirely. No surprise there. My gun might be gone but my anger is not. I press the button on the radio making sure that Cage hears me loud and clear. "You had your chance Cage but you didn't take it. If you don't stop the drilling I will radiate level five, understand!" The words must have fully registered because he is quick to move. Monty follows him with the camera as he takes long fast strides through the dinning hall and into the dorm. He looks as angry as I do which scares me. Because it means that we'll do whatever we must. I watch in horror as Cage makes one of the guards drag my mother onto the table. What have I done. Bellamy moves closer to me taking my hand. "Clarke. If we do this... there're is no going back." I know he's right but I can't find any other way to handle this. "I don't know what to do Bellamy. I have to save them." The sound of Monty's voice snaps my attention to him. "I did it. All you have to do is pull this lever." He points to a small lever in the middle of the table. I can end this. This can all be over. I don't know if I can do it. Am I really going to kill all these women and children to save my friends. The people that helped us. The innocent people who haven't done anything wrong. My hand rests lightly on the lever suddenly feeling weak. "My sister, my responsibility." I turn to Bellamy who is staring up at the one of the monitors. Octavia. "Bellamy." my voice comes out as a strangled whimper. His gaze meets mine then places his hand on mine. "Together." His touch seems to calm me down. I grip the lever tighter feeling Bellamy do the same to my own hand. Together.       

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