Excepting Reality

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"Clarke, Bellamy. Where have you been?" Octavia says running up to hug Bellamy "we spent the night at the dropship." She pulls back turning to me "there is going to be some sort of ceremony for Finn and the grounders." I see Bellamy nudge her slightly silently telling her that it's a bad time. I ignore it looking towards the grounders camp "when?"

"whenever you came back." as much as I don't want to face anyone I know I have to for the sake of my people both here and in Mount Weather. Octavia gives me one big hug before she leaves to find Lincoln. "You don't have to do this Clarke. At least not alone." I know he is right i'm not alone but lately it's felt like I have been alone my whole life "thanks Bellamy." He gives me a small smile wrapping an arm around my shoulder "this will all be over before you know it." I guess it's in Bellamy's nature as an older brother and all to make someone feel safe and protected because thats exactly how I feel. My mom comes out of medical looking like she hadn't slept in days I feel like most of it is because of me. She spots us and starts walking our way Bellamy quickly dropping his arm "don't want your mom getting ideas." I give a small laugh as he walks past my mom giving a brief nod as a hello. "Clarke, I assume you heard about Finn." I nod wishing that she hadn't reminded me "yeah" I want to walk away from this conversation so badly because I know where this is heading. "I should go talk to Lexa." She opens her mouth to say something but I walk away before she lets any words slip.

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