What We Need To Be

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I stare down at our 3D model going over our plan for the thousandth time. I've memorized our route backwards and forwards. It won't be long now.  Bellamy shut down the acid fog like I knew he would. Lexa had given the grounders some grand speech to get their minds off of what happened. It's seemed to work for everyone but Octavia and I. "Hey!" I turn just in time to see Octavia burst into the tent. Things between us have been different since she found out about the missile. I just patched things up with Raven i'm in another tense situation with me and Octavia. "What is it?" She leans over the 3D model looking up at me. "Look just cause i'm here doesn't mean that I'm not still pissed at you because I am. But Clarke... Are you sure that we're doing the right thing, trusting them?" She crosses her arms over her chest staring me down. "What other choice do we have. They could be our best chance of getting our people back. Besides I thought you trusted them too." She shrugs off my words moving to stand in front of me. "It's Lexa I don't trust." 

"I get that but we have to trust that she knows what's best right now." I don't know if I actually believe what I just said because I don't entirely trust Lexa either. "Knows what's best! She let innocent people die! She tried to kill me! You know sometimes I wonder who's side you're on!" I don't blame her for lashing out at me because I would too. I started out with playing a part in Lexa's game but it has turned into something more. She told me that I was born to be a leader like her, maybe it's true. She gives out a frustrated sigh which gives me a quick reminder that's she's still just a teenager. Like me. Like all of us. I will do everything and anything to protect my people. "I'm doing the best that I can to make sure our people get back safe." My voice is soft and barley audible. She seems to have heard me anyway "I still don't trust her. And... I don't think that I can trust you." She turns quickly on her heel walking out of the tent. I get a glimpse of Lexa as the tents door closes which means that she is on her way in. I know what she is going to say and i'm ready. "Clarke." Lexa stands between two large grounders who both share an emotionless glance. "Are your people ready?" I straighten up and nod "good. We head out immediately." 

The large doors to Mount Weather wait before us. We're so close. Today's the day. Bellamy, Jasper, Monty, all of them. We're going to bring them all home. I look around at all the grounders and sky people ready to fight. Mount Weather was wrong to underestimate us, and now they're going to pay for it. This is it. The war has begun. Today's the day that we take Mount Weather and get our people out.              

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