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taehyung was the first one to wake up, eyes fluttering open and having jungkook's sleeping face as the first thing his brown eyes focused on.

a smile immediately forms in his lips, leaning closer to the sleeping male and gently brushing the tip of their noses.

"good morning, my love." the brunette murmurs, careful not to wake the older up.

he laid back down gazing at the older; this was something he unknowingly does when he wakes up first - admiring jungkook as if to make sure he was real.

he didn't know if when this habit of his started or it was probably because of the fact and a past traumatic experience he had back at the doll shop where he would wake up to an empty bed - jungkook nowhere in sight after making love the whole night.

thinking about it now made him realize how much he hated that feeling, now he ensures to savor every waking moment with jungkook by his side.

the brunette was too deep in thought not noticing the older now awake, eyes setting on him.

"what seems to be bothering my taehyungie's mind first thing in the morning?" jungkook's deep morning voice filled the younger's ears, startling him a bit. "good morning, my love" the dominant male added with a groggy tone as he gently held the younger's cheek and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

taehyung's cheeks were instantly adorned with a soft pink hue. despite receiving the sweet gesture from jungkook almost everyday, it still made his heart skip a beat.

"good morning" he softly replied as he now snuggled closer back to the dominant male who welcomed him in his arms.

a comfortable silence had engulfed them, taehyung clinging tightly onto the dark haired male.

"do you want to talk about it?" jungkook speaks after awhile knowing all too well that there was something that was bothering the younger.

the brunette only hummed as he burries his face more against jungkook's naked chest.

a lot of things were indeed running through his mind aside from his earlier thoughts; for starters, he has a therapy session and check up with his obgyn today.

as much as he knew these appointments benefits him, he wasn't really fond of the sessions and check ups now as it just reminds him of how broken his body is from the pills he had taken.

if only he knew back then how much it would've affected his body now, especially with him getting pregnant, he wouldn't have taken them at all.

he did got out of the shop but it seemed like it was still haunting him up to this day - plus the investigations and scandals sorrounding the doll shop wasn't helping at all.

"hey, baby... look at me..." jungkook gently says with taehyung not noticing that he again was zoning out if not for the other getting his attention and hovering on top of him.

the brunette only starred at the older, wide eyes looking up at him. no words were spoken but the gentleness amd care in jungkook's gaze and the reassuring kiss he placed against his lips was enough make him feel at ease. all thoughts and worries momentarily drifting off his mind as he focused on the pair of lips against his own.

"whatever's troubling you, you don't have to face them alone, my love. i'm here with you, always... whenever you want to talk, i'm here" jungkook murmurs with a smile as he gently caressed the younger's cheek making the brunette smile, eyes threatening to tear up.

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