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taehyung had awoken up realizing that he had fallen asleep, last thing he had remembered was jungkook massaging his hair and it was too comfortable not to fall asleep.

he wanted to doze off for a bit but woke up remembering his parents and friends were already with them.

the brunette freshened up a bit before heading downstairs. jungkook was quick to spot him and meeting him with a soft peck on the lips.

"how's your sleep, my love?" he asked but taehyung was too stunned and busy taking in his husband's appearance - his hair was now back to its usual dark colour and tied up in a man bun.

"i'm not dreaming am i?" taehyung mumbled, a hand lightly tapping his cheek making the older laugh. "or have i been sleeping that long?"

"no, baby. you're not dreaming" jungkook confirms and gives the younger a peck on the lips finding him too adorable. "and yes, you've slept the whole afternoon" he adds, pressing another soft kiss on the tip of the brunette's nose.

taehyung was basically starring at his husband. his man looked very attractive and sexy.

"you look... handsome" he blurts, eyes still fixated on the older taking in every feature.

"told you he'd be drooling" they hear jimin comments making the brunette to snap out of his tranced state, cheeks instantly turning warm and a pink shade just noticing the other's presence in the room. "you're welcome" he adds giving jungkook a proud smirk and wink towards taehyung.

jungkook had actually been contemplating if he should dye his hair back to his usual dark colour and had asked for jimin's opinion which the younger definitely encouraged him to do so.

truth is, jimin knows how taehyung had always found jungkook dreamy with his dark hair tied in a man bun and tattoos. to be fair, jungkook does really look good with it.

"you like it?" jungkook asked the brunette as his opinion mattered the most to him. it's been a while since he changed his look.

taehyung shyly nods with a wide smile on his lips. "i love it" he mumbled.

well, he couldn't actually tell him about all the other thoughts running through his head nd questioning himself if he had always been this horny with just seeing his mouth - watering husband like this.

or maybe it was the pregnancy hormones already kicking in.

the brunette resorted hiding in his husband's chest when jimin made a teasing puking sound. "too cheesy for my eyes" he comments and playfully covered his eyes. "at least i'm sure someone's going to have fun tonight" he adds with a mischievous smirk that had the brunette's eyes wide, cheeks blushing furiously.

"jiminie!" taehyung gasped with the said man and jungkook chuckling along.

minsoo soon appeared informing them that the dinner preparations is almost ready with jungkook asking her to inform his parents who were still resting in their room. jiyeon also arrived informing jungkook about the arrival of the supplies he had requested.

"i had the table arranged outside in the veranda." jungkook informs the brunette. "we can also gather everyone now so they can prepare for dinner" he adds turning to jimin.

"alrighty, i'll go scream by the shore to call for yoongi and jin-hyung" jimin states making for jungkook to chuckle and waves him off.

jin and yoongi went out to go fishing while namjoon was by the shore reading a book with jinwoo and hoseok going for a walk.

"they're probably by the north side of the beach, i told them there's a shaded spot they can relax at" jungkook informs pertaining to jinwoo and hoseok's whereabouts.

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