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next day soon came and the taehyung was on his way to pick up his mother. jungkook had wanted to come along but taehyung insisted that he'll go alone as a way of 'bonding time' with her.

jungkook wouldn't admit it but he was still feeling very uneasy of the idea of leaving taehyung alone with the woman.

still, due to taehyung's stubbornness and persuasion and those pretty feline, seductive eyes that would look at him and ask him to behave, the dark haired male ended up letting taehyung go but not before reminding him to update him where they are and to always have at least one bodyguard with him at all times and to call him if he needs anything.

it hasn't even been ten minutes since taehyung had left the house, his phone was already ringing with jungkook's name on the caller ID.

"hello, kookie" taehyung greets with a giggle, hands caressing his pregnant bump.

"hello, my love" jungkook speaks. "i miss you"

this had the pregnant male cheeks in a blush pink as he erupts in more giggles and playfully rolling his eyes. "jungkookie, i literally just left"

"yeah and i miss you" the dark haired male says. "don't you miss me? i'm sure you do so i should go with you, right? i can get ready in about ten minutes if you want me to-"

"kookie~ get back to work" taehyung instead replies with a laugh.

"you're not taking me seriously" the dark haired male huffs and the pregnant male could just imagine the small pout on his lips.

"i'll message you later, kookie~ i love you"

"fine. take care, my love. i love you"

taehyung ends the call with a smile on his lips, cheeks in a small blush but soon receiving another text from jungkook with an 'i miss you' and him replying 'i miss you, jungkookie. i'll see you when i get back home:3 focus on your work'

the drive was shorter than he had expected as the driver soon announced that they had arrived at the condo building.

his mother had already moved into the condo he had offered earlier today.

he did still feel the nervousness and anxiety throughout the ride but it also seemed to have gotten worse now as he got out of the car.

"are you alright, young master tae?"

taehyung quickly nods. his anxious face must've been too obvious that even minhyuk seemed to notice and got worried. "yeah, i'm fine. thank you" he replies with a reassuring smile before heading for the lift.

he takes in a breath as they stood inside the elevator and minhyuk pressing for the twenty seventh floor.

the brunette closed his eyes feeling the anxiety creep in and when he couldn't take it any longer and before he knew it he was already dialing his husband's number, the phone only doing about two rings.

"my love?"

"jungkookie?" taehyung's hands was clutched tightly on his phone as he bit his lip. he actually didn't know what to say now but wanted to hear jungkook's voice. "we're here... well, um, just arrived at the floor and getting out of the elevator and just thought i'll inform you" he rambled and giving a small 'thank you' to minhyuk as he holds the elevator door for him.

jungkook on the other end already knew why taehyung was calling due to his now rambling.

"breathe slowly, my love... in and out... you got this, you're my brave tiger and besides you have our little tiger with you too" the words instantly had taehyung smiling as he now had a hand on his baby bump. "but if you need me to be there, just tell me"

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