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"jeon taehyung, i'm talking to you" jungkook huffs as he ran a hand through his hair and trailing behind the pregnant male who was walking fast ahead inside their home, ignoring him.

the maids who were present to greet them giving the two a bow before hurriedly leaving seeing that the couple seemed to be in a discussion.

taehyung pouts hearing the older addressing him by his name and turned around as he pouts, a rather offended look on his face. "don't call me that" he mumbled before hurriedly walking away again.

the dark haired male took in a breath reminding himself that he was upset and not be easily swayed by his husband's cuteness, adorable and pouty face.

"alright, tae baby, my love, love of my life forever and always, please come here and explain why you and - " jungkook couldn't even say the other's name and what they did as it makes him all boiling with jealousy as his lips formed into a thin line.

taehyung was already up the stairs, in the second floor, hiding away from his husband that jungkook could only sigh once again as he heard the doors to their room shut close.

they weren't able to discuss the whole thing in the car as the brunette was refusing to speak any further after blurting out such disturbing confession plus jungkook almost had hit the brakes too hard and lightly swerve but thankfully was able to compose himself and drive them home safely.

minsoo appears carrying newly washed and folded towels giving him a look.

"i didn't do anything" he states knowing the questioning look the older was giving him. although, he soon realized that he is a part as to why the brunette seemed upset.

"go on, jungkook, talk to him" the head maid says again before walking away.

jungkook couldn't help but mumble to himself, a small pout now adorning his lips. "that's what i was trying to do..."


upstairs, taehyung was hiding in their walk in closet as he quickly pulls out his phone and dialing a certain number. it only took a few rings before the person answers.

"jiminie?" the brunette's lips were quivering as he hears the other pick up.

"hey, petal, i'm quite surprised with you calling me directly since you always ring the company phone" jimin greets who was in the middle of signing papers that were being handed to him by his secretary.

"i'm sorry for disturbing..." taehyung murmured but jimin was quick to reassure him that he didn't mind. "it's just that... that i told jungkookie we kissed."

"you told who what?!" jimin's startled voice came off too loud that the pregnant male had to lightly pull the phone away from his ear momentarily. "i'll continue this later, leave me first" he hears jimin instructs his secretary.

"i told jungkookie we kissed and now i think he's angry... but i'm sure he also did some loveydovey stuff to that lover of his" the brunette rants in a full pout, eyes threatening with tears.

"loveydovey and lover who?!" jimin shrieks again over the phone before he puts a hand on his head and slumped on his chair. "hold on, pretty petal, can you please explain what's going on? you already lost me at the part where you told him we kissed. how did that even came up?"

taehyung lightly sniffs, lips in a continuous pout as he nods as if the other could see him and started telling jimin all that had happened in the past hours.

turns out jimin also knew hyunwoo and hearing from the older how hyunwoo was honestly a kind person and a good friend of jungkook now made him a bit guilty of acting all petty and jealous; plus the fact jungkook already explained and was clear that he didn't have any feelings for the other and it was all just for mutual benefits, an arranged marriage.

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