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taehyung had awoken up to the sound of helicopters.

he was confused at first as his eyes adjusted, squinting and seeing the sea view through the sheer curtains.

he had soon realized that people were arriving, the house staff and maybe their parents may had already landed too. the thought of his parents being downstairs suddenly made him wide awake and all excited.

although, he had wanted to wake up with his husband beside him making him lightly pout as he turned to look at the empty spot but understood the other was needed more downstairs at the moment.

he carefully stood up, thankful that he wasn't as sore as he was yesterday and rather was feeling very much refreshed.

he waddled his way to the bathroom to look more presentable. basically to wear more clothes as his parents would definitely be bewildered with him appearing in just panties and a silky bodouir robe  or just one of jungkook's shirts that always seemed to be oversized when he wears them that he had been used to for the past days.

taehyung had just finished changing into a pair of shorts and his husband's shirt and was fixing his hair infront of the mirror when he heard a soft knock on the door.

"my love?" jungkook calls, a smile instantly forming in his lips as he walked over and wrapped his arms around the younger's waist. "good morning, did you sleep well?"

the brunette nods as he turned around to face the other, snuggling in the crook of his neck. "good morning, my jungkookie. did you sleep well too?" he asks as he looked up at the older, chin resting on his clothed chest.

"you were in my arms... of course i'd sleep well" jungkook proudly exclaimed making the younger to playfully roll his eyes.

"it's too early to be very cheesy, mister jeon" taehyung comments earning a laugh from the other.

he soon felt a gentle hand on his tummy as a way of jungkook greeting their baby a 'good morning' as well that had him all smiling once again.

"your parents arrived earlier with mom and dad" the older informed after awhile. "minsoo and the others are already here too. some supplies are still being brought in which explains the helicopters flying in and out... i hope that didn't disturb your sleep" he said with a small frown.

taehyung nods as he starred at the older male and pressed a kiss on his jaw making jungkook to smile.

"hobi hyung informed me they would be arriving soon while jimin and yoongi-hyung wouldn't be here til late this evening. apparently jimin still has final things to finish in the company and couldn't leave just yet." jungkook adds and making a teasing shake of his head.

the brunette couldn't help but admire at how jungkook was handling everything. his husband's trait of responsibility is something he had always find attractive and honestly, sexy.

he stood on his tiptoes, pressing a kiss on the older's cheek making for jungkook to smile and startled lightly at the gesture. "thank you, kookie" he mumbled.

"what for?" the older asked.

"for being mine and everything else" taehyung replied, eyes locked on his husband.

jungkook didn't know why but he definitely could feel the warmth on his cheeks and the tip of his ears going red.

everytime the brunette would acknowledge him would get his heart a flustered mess.

"can i get a proper morning kiss or a reward kiss?" the blonde male then says making the younger to let out a laugh.

taehyung didn't say anything else as he had a hand caressing the tips of the blonde male's hair by his nape as he stares at him before gently pulling him down and attached their lips.

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