For Shadyside

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A/N: I mentioned this in the first book but I don't have Netflix and I don't remember everything from the movie so I'm only using YouTube clips of the things I can actually find and I'm going through other fanfics if I can't find the lines on YouTube

"Deena what's going on-" She hangs up. I put the phone on the ringer confused.

"what?" Simon asks.

"get dressed" Simon gets up and we start getting into clothes. I get into shorts and Simon's graphic tee. The shorts small enough to show Simon's drawings of shapes and the word Mine on my thigh which I did on purpose. He put on his jeans and his other graphic tee. We put our shoes on and I grab a hair tie and I put it on my wrist. Lucky my siblings are at Ms. Lane's already. I grab my keys and backpack and we run out of the our leaving the door unlocked and my music playing. We get into the car.

"wait so what are we doing"

"Deena said to meet her at the mall apparently "we aren't done" whatever the fuck that means"

"the curse" He whispers loud enough that I can still hear him.

"no, w-we ended it the killers aren't after us anymore"

"why else would we be going to the mall and "we aren't done" y/n"

"fuck" I speed up and we get to the mall. I park my car crooked, not really giving a shit. Worrying about a parking ticket is a later me problem. "good thing I still have this" I lean over in front of Simon and I open the glove box. The gun falls and I grab it, stuffing it into my pants.

"hot" Simon says and we get out. We go under the police tape and we go to the employee entrance. I unlock the doors and we go in. We go to the first store we can which is Heather's store. We walk through and see dried up Orange Julius with dots of blood on the ground. "gross" Simon mumbles.

"come on" I say and we walk to the main part of the mall. We see Deena, Josh, and....Martin, and some other girl. "hey!" I yell and they quickly turn around pointing their water guns at us. Me and Simon put our hands up and protest. They all calm down and I see it is Martin.

"y/n?" He asks.

"Martin? why are you here"

"I owed him so..."

"why are we here" Simon asks.

"c'mon" Deena says getting up and running to the food court. Me and Simon follow and we go to the back of one of the restaurants.

"what Deena-" I get cut off by growling. I let out a scream and I jump back into Simon.

"what the fuck" Simon says and we look at Sam. I take out Heather's camcorder and I start recording.

"what happened"

"she was about to be the newest Shadyside killer"

"but we stopped Sarah Feir, remember. trauma. dead killers. bones. more trauma."

"yes but Sarah wasn't the bad guy"

"then who was?" Simon asks.

"is" Deena corrects. "Nick Goode and everyone of the men in his family before him"

"what how did you-"

"I found the hand, what you bled on and I reunited it with the body" She cuts me off.

"cool and?"

"it's showed me everything, I was her. she was falsely accused by"

"Solomon Goode" I finish realizing the truth. "one of the founders of Sunnyvale holy shit!"

"how do you know about him" Simon asks.

"we had to learn about him in 6th grade dude and not to mention I'm related to him"

"everyone says Shadyside sucks because it's full of shitty people. that bad things happen here because we're bad. that we diserve what we have coming. that's how it was for Sarah. and that's how it's been for us, but it's all bullshit. okay just because we're weird, and smart, and different, doesn't mean they can feed us through their meet grinder. not anymore. it's been three centuries, no one else has gotten this far. it stops here, tonight, it stops with us. we're gonna kill this mother fucker. for Sarah, for Kate, for Cindy, for Heather, for all of us. for Shadyside. now let's do this" Deena does the good ole blood trick and that's when my heart rate started going up. Simon looks over at me.

"hey it's alright don't worry" Simon says bringing his arm around my shoulders. I nod. We put black light paint in the bucket with the water and blood and we mix it up. Everyone gets their water guns. I go to grab the last one and Josh slides it away.

"dude this isn't the time to play around" I say.

"I know, I have a different gun that I found" He hands me the gun. I look at it and I notice it's Heather's from that night. On the side it even says Heather's work gun do not touch Ryan or you Misery!

Neither me nor Ryan noticed Heather was gone until Ryan was sprayed in the face with something he was hoping was water. We look over and see Heather with a water gun. She cocks the gun, getting ready to spray again.

"gross what is this" Ryan asks while he wipes his face.

"toilet water from the back" Heather says with a smirk.

"gross!" I start laughing but it's quickly cut off by Heather spraying me in the face. I quickly wipe off my face and gag. Ryan laughs and she points it back at him. He puts his hand in front of his face.

"woah! whoa! how is this fair we have toy lightsabers and you have a water gun filled with toilet water!?"

"it's not that's why it's so fun!" She tries to spray him but he moves out of the way. I let out a laugh.

"thanks Josh" He nods.

"let's get started shall we" Simon says, seeing Deena is done mixing the paint and blood. We leave the guns with Josh so he can fill them and we start "decorating".

"okay cut it!" Deena yells and the lights shut off and the black lights turn on revealing our work.

"holy shit" I say with a laugh, looking around with the camera recording. The bell on the door rings and Simon grabs my hand pulling me to hide.

"we're screwed, we're screwed, we're screwed"

"shut the fuck up Simon!" I whisper. He nods and shuts up. I start to get way more nervous myself and Simon starts rubbing by thigh to calm me down.

A/N: you know like that one Nick and Ziggy scene when Nick kept touching her thigh. kinda like that.

"freeze! freeze! I found two more over here!" A cop yells at me and Simon.

The End || S.KWhere stories live. Discover now