Burn Baby Burn

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I get tackled to the ground and I scream, hoping Simon would hear me. My pager and flip phone fly out in front of me as my pager goes off, telling me Simon found an exit. I flip over on my back and I try to fight off Nick. He stabs me in the leg, I guess he missed or he has a plan. I scream out as the pain waves throughout my leg. I kick him off of me and I crawl on my hands and knees for my phone. He pulls me back right as I grab it. I continue to try and fight off Goode while I try to call Simon. He doesn't answer so I page him 911. In hindsight I should've just called the cops but what sane person would believe that the dead Sunnyvale serial killer is trying to kill me after the curse is stopped. We continue to fight, this time I can use all my "power" to get him off.

"I'm going to fucking murder you and I'm going to make you more famous than you are! local teenage survivor y/n y/l/n brings back dead Nick Goode, kidnaps and murders her friends and boyfriend, then commits suicide!" He yells in my face.

"your mental!" I kick him hard in the jaw and I get up with my pager and phone. I try and run as fast as I can. "Simon!"



"y/n!" There are two ways to go, left and right.

"left or right-" Nick grabs me and I scream because he slashes my stomach. I stab him in the leg with my knife and he lets go of me and falls. I don't care which way Simon is anyone I just run to my left.

"Simon!" I cry out holding my stomach.

"y/n! follow my voice"


"okay, I'm right here just keep going!"

"y/n?" I hear Nick close and I start sobbing in fear. yeah, literally everything I've been through I've been close to death and this is not as bad as the other times but for some reason, it's more terrifying.


"y/n!" Simon says and I start speeding up.

"y/n" I hear Nick again but even closer. I turn around and I see him. I let out a scream then he slams my face into the wall making everything go black.

Simon's pov

"he found her!" Someone yells and I look over seeing a firefighter carrying y/n.

"y/n" I whisper.

"get her a stretcher!" The firefighter yells and I could tell something was wrong. News reporters and civilians crowd over there to see what's going on. I look at Deena, Josh, and Sam who are in an ambulance across from me. Then we look at Ziggy who's in the Ambulance next to me, then Martin, Deena gestures for us to go see and I get up when they do. We run over to the crowd and try to push our way through. Once we get to the front a paramedic yells.

"she's dead" Everyone gasps. Our little group looks at each other and the police start to push everyone back. One starts to push me.

"no stop I'm her boyfriend!"

"sorry man you gotta let these people do their job" I don't fight it anymore and I step back. I get back to my group and we watch what they're doing to y/n from a distance.

"c'mon get in!" I yell honking my car horn and Josh and Deena run out.

"sup losers" I say.

"don't even talk to me yet" Deena says.

"she's never been up this early before" Josh says.

"that's fair, but we can't commit arson in daylight" I start driving to Sam's.

"is it even arson?" Josh asks.

"why the fuck would I know" after a while we get to Sam's. Sam comes out after a minute and she kisses Deena before getting in. We get to Martin's place and then Ziggy's then we head to the woods. We get out and we walk deep into the woods. I hold the book close to my chest and we all talk. I put the book down and we circle around it. "today. it's over for good. no more murders or curses or zombies. it's been three generations and five attempts. we're done if it comes back, it's someone else's problem. We can finally have normal life's and Sunnyvale can finally know what it's like to truly suck. hard. the rest of our lives are finally going to be normal, and the victims of the curse are going to be free"

3rd person pov

Everyone was there not only the small group, every victim. All the way back to the pastor and the kids that were murdered, Hanna Miller and Sarah Feir, to the kids from the Nightwing massacre, Cindy, Tommy, Arnie, and Alice, to the Shadyside Mall massacre Heather and Ryan, Kate, y/n. Everyone wants to see what they couldn't do.

"we're all going to be free" Simon says. "no more sadness, or hurt or pain, it all ends with a flick of a lighter" He flicks open your zippo lighter. He flips the book open to the exchange page and he squats down to the book. "fuck you Goodes" He lights the pages and stands back up. Everyone grins while you all watch the book light up in flames. You hug Heather and she hugs you.

"he's gonna be okay, they're gonna be okay" Kate says to me, I know she was trying to convince herself though because she was looking straight at Josh when she said that.

"yeah, they'll be alright" Cindy says looking at Ziggy while Tommy holds her.

"I wish I was there, like there there" I say looking at Simon.

"well bright side you're with us" Ryan says putting his arm around me.

"don't you like us?" Sarah says sarcastically.

"of course I do Sarah"

"c'mon guys we gotta go" Simon says and they all walk away.

"now, shall we all have our own fun" Hanna says smiling.

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