News Flash

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We all start to walk out of the mall and I look back one more time and I faintly see Heather, Ryan, Kate, and a bunch of other people from different eras smiling and waving.

"you see them too right?" Ziggy asks and I look at her.

"who are they?"

"the victims of the Goode family I'm pretty sure"

"they're ghosts?"

"duh! arent those your friends"

"yeah, I assume that's your sister" I point at the girl standing on her toes with perfectly curled hair in a nice polo shirt, waving with a big smile next to two boys with long and short brown hair, a girl with short blonde hair, and a girl with long black hair.

"yup that's Cindy, Alice, Tommy, Arnie, and Joan" We look back at each other. I'm surprised she still remembers those names so well. I glace over one more time and Ruby winks at me with a smirk and my face goes bright red. "God, you know she's dead right?"

"I can be dead too Ziggy"

"the pigs are here!" Simon yells and we look back at the doors in fear because we just killed the sheriff so we're in deep shit.

"shit" We look back to the hanging tree and everyone is gone, Cindy, Ruby, Heather, Ryan, Kate everyone is gone. Sirens get closer and we walk outside seeing it's now morning. We all throw our hands up after the cops get out of the cars with their guns facing us.

"this isn't our fault I swear! go through the big back double doors and down the vent it will show you everything about Nick Goode!" Josh yells. The cops exchange looks and some cops peel off from the rest. They go inside the mall.

"get them in cuffs" One of them says and we all start protesting. They all pick off their own person to handcuff and of course, I'm no exception. The cop pushes me down onto my knees after they put the handcuffs on me. They throw my camera down not caring that I was still filming Soon enough we're all on the ground. After a couple of minutes of waiting and them taunting us a female cop runs up out of breath.

"they're right let them go! you gotta see this shit sir" They all exchange looks and let us go. Ambulances pull up and check us out they take Josh to the hospital because of his arm, they check out the gnarly ass bruise I gave Simon's stomach, my stitches which held up great.

"today we talk about how a group of special people stopped the Shadyside "curse". curse? yeah, I read that right the Shadyside curse" The first news anchor reads she stands up her script and hits it on the desk she sitting at before she places it back down.

"the group of people is six high schoolers y/n y/l/n, Deena Johnson, Simon Kalivoda, Josh Johnson, Samantha Fraser, and Kate Schmitt and two adults Christine Berman and Martin Franklin" The male reporter says and our pictures come up on the screen. (that's what Wikipedia said Martin's last name was) "today we got to talk to the group"

"except for Kate Schmitt. the girl was murdered the first night when they tried to stop the curse" The lady says somehow still keeping a smile on her face.

flashback to the interview

"well hello, you guys" We all say our own forms of hello. "so how are you guys feeling right now, a little nervous?" The lady lets out a couple of giggles after the sentence she spoke. We all look at each other and Deena answers for us.

"umm we were talking about it before and we are nervous, not for the fact that we're talking about serious trauma about the fact it seems like we're celebrities after a movie came out" Deena says with a smile.

"you guys kind of are I heard that someone recorded it all"

"uh yes y/n did" Ziggy says. I give her a look and she giggles.

"oh, can you tell me more about that" The reporter turns her attention to me and I grab Simon's hand.

"uh I was afraid that no one would believe that we went through that, like how no one believed Zig- Christine after it happened to her"

I turn on Heather's camcorders and I put it on the floor facing us. Deena and Sam look at me weird. "no ones gonna believe is we need proof"

"are you going to be releasing the video anytime soon"

"no um maybe I have to get all of their consent and its not very public-friendly, as some of you may know me and Sam had to kill ourselves to stun the curse which was violent and Kate's death"

"at the time we thought we were ending it" Sam chimes in.

"no! no! we are not fucked they're fucked. they're coming for them. if we put Sam and y/n in the hall, we end this now"

"do you realize you are killing all of us?! look at this" Kate takes Josh's backpack and pulls out the pictures. "dead, dead, dead! this is the way, this is the way I'm sorry they gotta go"

"Kate's right," I say. "I don't want you guys to die for me. I'm going. I'm ending this maybe Sam can stay and only one of us dies"

"yeah, we did think that" Simon and Josh agree.

"I bet it was a plot twist when you found out" She lets out a laugh and we have to also. I actually hate this.

"why else would we be going to the mall and "we aren't done" y/n"


"uh yeah, it was" Simon says and he brushes his thumb over my knuckles.

"so Martin how'd you get a part of the group"

"they needed some extra help so they asked me. and me and y/n worked at the mall where it happened and she doesn't know everything about the gates" Martin explains and the reporter nods.

"so I'm just going to cut to the chase and ask a question all Sunnyvale and Shadyside want to know" We all glance at each other. "why did Sam get possessed you didn't y/n"

"um," I let out a nervous chuckle. "I don't think two people could be possessed at the same time and Nick Goode picked whoever he wanted. I think he could have picked any of us, Simon, Martin, Christine, Deena, Josh, me. He just picked who he picked"

"so he chose Sam for a reason" We all give each other "is she serious" looks.

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