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We watched as all the killers killed each other, it was honestly cool. It felt fake, like a movie how the hell is this happening to a group of people from Shadyside of all places.

"guys" Josh says.

"yeah?" I ask.

"we lost Sam."

"what?" Simon asks. I turn quick enough to see the double doors shut again. Fighting Nick and Sam? Deena is fucked. We waited for the killers to kill each other you would think all of them being serial killers the could've killed each other a little faster. I put the camera down so it can still see what's going on and we leave the store.

"right now their dead, but that's not gonna last. we don't have a lot of time we have to get ready to fight" Josh explains. I grab Slater's axe off the ground and I spin it examining it.

"okay relax" Simon says after dodging the blade.

"wait" Ziggy says moving Josh back a bit. We hear some sort of hitting.

"I'm assuming Josh was right" I say slowly scanning the mall. My eyes land on a little boy with a bat, hitting the gumball machine.

"that one is new, right? he's a new one?" Simon asks.

"that's the kid that killed his siblings, Billy Barker"

"you remember that?"

"I knew a lot about those killers before but being chased by them didn't help my memory"

"you always hurt the one you love" Ruby sings.

"Ruby" A slight smirk forms on my face.

"she's smirking? why are you smirking?" Ziggy asks.

"she has a huge crush on Ruby was it not obvious" Josh replies.

"but I thought she's with-"

"Simon? he likes her too"

"we'll talk about you weirdos later okay we have a problem" Ziggy says clearly annoyed. I mean I would be too if I had to kill my childhood boyfriend with a bunch of teenagers.

"okay okay at least we still have Deena's magic blood" I say while I put now my axe on the ground and replace it with my gun. I try to squirt my gun but nothing comes out of it. "ohh...I jinxed it" I throw the gun on the ground.

"you just used all of yours" Simon says picking up his gun. "quantity control y/n" Nothing comes out of his gun.

"yeah, quantity control my ass" I say crossing my arms. Ziggy tries to use hers but nothing comes out and everyone tries their gun but they're all empty. "fucking great what are we supposed to do now"

"close the gate and wait it out, we'll die we have no protection"

"no!" Josh yells. "too many people died I'm not letting my sister die too"


"y/n imagine how you felt when Heather died" Simon cuts me off. I didn't feel anything. I couldn't process anything. I still can't. But I have to play nice.

"yeah, sorry, let's get these assholes" I grab the axe off the ground and I hold it in a fighting position. I totally forgot these stores are like L O A D E D with weapons. "holy shit wait this place is like loaded with weapons"

"what do you mean?" Simon asks and Martin jumps up and down and snaps realizing it is.

"yeah, it is! we've been using water guns when we could be using real ones" I take the cop's gun from the other night out of my jacket pocket. I throw it to Ziggy.

"okay game plan Simon and Martin go find shit to fight these fuckers" They nod. "Ziggy, Josh we can fight them off for now" Simon and Martin run different ways to get weapons. I give the axe to Josh.  "you need it more" I run back into the store to grab something else and I hear Josh yell. I run back out and I see Ruby break his arm.

"MY ARM" Josh screams.

"damn she's strong" I run over and I pull her off of him by her hair. She tries to grab my face and shit. "mmm I bet you like that huh Mommy?" I taunt her. "Josh go!" He does as I say and she grabs my legs flipping me onto my back. so hot but we can't worry about that right now y/n beat her ass She raises her blade and I grab her arm holding it away from me. I hadn't noticed Josh was recording my whole fight. "nice try but I'm the top" I grab her razor and I flip her onto her back before slitting her throat. "well that's one" I say wiping my forehead with the back of my bloody hand. I drop the razor and Ziggy helps me up.

"fucking hell" Ziggy says looking at Ruby. Martin and Simon run back with nothing.

"everything is gone they must've taken it as evidenced" Martin announces.

"okay great well I just killed Ruby with no weapons of my own so we'll live" I say and we all group together all the killers start coming for us. "right?"

"I don't know, you think I can grab that axe from Slater?" Si asks with a smirk. I grab his hand.

"no way but I'll always remember you if you try it" His grip on my hand tightened as he pulls me into his chest. Ziggy tries to shoot the Barker kid in the head but it doesn't even leave a dent in his mask.

"that's it I'm out!" She yells.

"oh shit oh shit" Martin keeps repeating as the killers start speeding up.

"fuck guys what are we gonna do!" Simon yells.

"fight?" Josh says.

"oh yeah, smart idea Josh your gonna swing at Nightwing? I'd love to see that"

"just shut up we gotta try!"

"fine" Everyone gets in a fighting stance. I'm not feeling so good right now.

"so we're like totally dying right?" Martin says with fear filling his throat. Nightwing starts running at me so I start freaking out. In a blink of an eye they turn into a shit ton of flies. We all stay silent still processing that they're gone until.

"SHE DID IT!" I scream and we start cheering. I hug Ziggy and she lets out a relieved laugh while she hugs me back.

"uh excuse me?" Simon says and I turn around. He opens his arms, I run into his arms and he kisses me.

"fina-fucking-ly it's over" I say into his chest and he kisses my head.

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