It's Him

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We both drop our water guns and we put our hands up.

"oh fuck what do we do" Simon whispers to me.

"shut up"

"huh?" I look at him.

"we shut up Simon."

"hand over your weapons" The cop says.

"but our hands are up pig- officer"

"oh yeah that's totally shutting up y/n" I shush him.

"now!" I put my hand down onto the guns to slide them to him but a scream stops me. We look over and see the Milkman stab the other cop in the back. The cop dealing with us goes over to help his friend.

"I'm really starting to like these killers" I say and everyone gets in position. Me and Si grab the rope to the gate and wait for our killer. holy shit this is going to make all of us like really fucking famous I point my camera at Ryan. I hold my middle finger up to him as he walks past us into the store. Once he gets far enough in we pull the gate down. He comes over to the gate and starts hitting it. "sorry Ryan" He hits the gate again right by my face. "never mind fuck you!" Me and Simon run over to the counter where everyone including Sam is. Now we're just waiting for Ziggy.

"how many is that?" Deena asks.

"I got one, Martin got Milkman" Josh says.

"me and Si got Ryan" I say.

"four, we have four" Ziggy says getting behind the counter with us. "I got Nightwing"

"no, Ruby? where's Ruby" Deena asks.

"I don't know if I would've found her I would've grabbed her myself" I say with a smirk and everyone gives me a "you can't be serious" look. "okay damn tough crowd"

"y-y-yo why'd it get so quiet" Martin asks and we quiet down ourselves and notice all the killers have stopped making noise. The bell on the doors rings telling us someone is here.

"it's him" Ziggy says.

"you don't have to do this" Deena says.

"yes, I do" She climbs over the counter and gets into position.

"mount up" Deena looks at us. I kiss Simon passionately then I quickly pull away.

"let's end this shit, for good" I say before jumping over the counter with my water gun. Everyone gets to their spots getting ready to release the killers. Watching Nick walk over to Ziggy I felt no sympathy for him. He killed my two best friends, he killed Simon's best friend, he killed Ziggy's sister and his sister's boyfriend, so he could have a nice life. he deserves to burn in hell right next to his ancestors, my ancestors. I'm kind of mad Ryan gets the satisfaction of killing him but here we are. I make sure my camera is recording this shit. We need this proof or everyone will think we're crazy like they thought about Ziggy.

"Ziggy" Nick says getting closer to her.

"Nick" I could see the way she was looking at him, like how I look at Si. She loved him. But she has to kill him, and if she doesn't? I'll kill them both myself.

"what are you doing here" I could see he loves her too.

"tag. you're it." Ziggy pulls the rope and moves out of the way. Deena's glowing blood pours all over Nick. We all pull open the gates letting the killers out. Finally, we're ending it, forever. I couldn't help but smile. Nick immediately grabs Ziggy, getting Deena's blood on her too.

"fuck!" I yell. Nick sees me and Deena.

"y/n! Deena! get them away from me! if I die! she dies!" Me and Deena look at each other. Nick yells things like "get back" and "get away" over Ziggy's screams. I put the camera down still facing the scene and I get up.

"no y/n!" Simon yells. As I start running Ryan stabs Nick in the shoulder. Ziggy gets away from Nick and the Milkman grabs her. Someone grabs me from behind and I scream and elbow them in the stomach.

Heather's pov (from the afterlife)

I laugh.

"idiot" I say with a smile seeing y/n elbow Simon in the stomach.

"hey, can you blame her I mean there are a bunch of killers around her, it's his fault" Ryan says and I roll my eyes.

"yeah including you"

"my body, not me. I'm here Heather"

"oh shit Si I'm sorry!" y/n says. She helps him stand up and he shakes it off.

"do you think she'll do it, y'know end it" Ryan asks.

"it's y/n we're talking about here, she's stopping the curse one way or another" I say crossing my legs watching what's happening to y/n and the group.

"yeah, I'm kinda going for the killers though"

"because she said fuck you to you?"

"yeah I didn't even do shit!" I roll my eyes.

y/n's pov

A/N: I do not have a reason for doing that lmaoo

I hold onto Si to make sure I hadn't done serious damage to him. We notice the killers have stopped and both Nick and Ziggy got away from the killers. We see Deena had cut open her own hand so the killers smell fresh blood. This was good, but not really. Nick gets up and runs through the double doors.

"Deena get Nick!" I yell and she does just that. I grab Heather's camcorder from the ground. Me, Josh, Ziggy, Martin, and Simon run into a store and I pull down the gate. Before it can go all the way down Ziggy slides her sweater out away from us.

"okay we need a plan B right now" Martin says.

"no... we just need more plan A" Josh explains. "Martin open the gate, once the gate is opened grab your guns and spray the killers"

"Josh that's genius!" I say and he smiles at me. Martin opens the gate and we grab the water guns. We spray the killers.

"I got that creepy perv motherfucker right in the bullseye" Martin says proudly.

"I finally get the pleasure of killing Ryan" I say with a smile and Martin high fives me.

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