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I talked to Simon through the board, Danna's his girlfriend, I guess they're in love. We watched them leave for college, well not Josh. Josh tried to contact us plenty of times and it worked. He tells us stuff that happened with the group because they weren't there to tell us, Simon and Danna are engaged. They've been dating for less than a year, me and him were together longer. But I'm happy for them. Josh goes to college next year and he finally got with the girl he was talking to online, they're so cute. He brought her to talk to us a couple of times. He comes and asks for advice and we all help him out, even Kate.

It's Josh's graduation everyone came back home for it. Simon and Danna too they're married and shit. Josh was class president so he gave a great speech. I'm happy they're all moving on with their lives. Before Sam and Deena went back to college they talked to us on the board. They told us they once they get out of college they're adopting and getting married. Everyone was so happy. Everyone even the ghosts were finally moving on with their lives or lack thereof. I just wish me and Simon we're together again. Josh promised to come back when he can, everyone loves Josh mainly because he's the only one that really communicates with us.

September 2021

It was just supposed to be a one night stand, she thought she would only see him passing through the halls with his friends, her still remembering everything that they talked about once before, and he thought she wouldn't even remember the first letter of his name. They were both okay with that. But a big piece of leather kept them together for as long as she lived.

The End

He shuts his computer and sighs before pushing his blue light glasses on top of his head. He stands up and walks to the other side of his desk looking at all the books he's wrote on his shelf.

S&D: Fear Street book 1  by Josh Johnson

Berman: Fear Street book 2 by Josh Johnson

Night Shift: Fear Street book 3 by Josh Johnson

This book was going to be the 10th of his Fear Street Stories. Misery and Merry: Fear Street book 10. She stood there next to him smiling.

"thank you, for ending my story Joshy" She whispers before kissing his cheek. He felt the warmth on his cheek and she smiled. It wasn't burning the book or killing Nick Goode that made the ghosts pass on. It was someone telling their stories. She wasn't going to disappear right away, someone has to read that story. She has a couple more months on earth. He walks out of the room, shutting the door. Before he did he whispers "your welcome y/n" He could see them all, or sense them, one of the two. She walks over to the computer and opens it.

Shadyside October 1993

I take a drag from my cigarette and two boys and three girls walk through the door. I've seen them before and parties most of them get really drunk and high by the time they leave. The boy with the blonde hair looks me up and down with a cute smirk as he continues walking with his friends. I've seen him at school before I just never talked to him.

"oh, so who's that?" My friend Heather asks with a smirk. "dunno?" I respond looking back at her.

Little did I know this was the start of something I wouldn't want to end...

She shuts the computer because she realized to him she was just a chapter but he was multiple, the whole book even. Now she knew what she was going to ask whoever's up there, "why? why'd you give me him just to take him away?". But she didn't know that he asked "why? why'd you give her to me just to take her away" every night since the night she died.

They both wondered what their lives would be if she didn't die. If the paramedic yelled "she's alive!" Instead of "she's dead!". But that's it, they could only wonder and imagine.

The End || S.KWhere stories live. Discover now