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Ziggy chuckles.

"history really repeats itself" She says.

"you little shit!" He storms back over to me and grabs my face hard, squishing my cheeks together. "don't test me, you know what I'm capable of" He throws his hand off my face.

"so does the whole world everyone hates you and knows what you did, the killing, the fear, the trauma"

"I run this whole world! I own this world! it knows what I want them to know"

Nick finished his speech a while ago. Simon still hasn't woken up and I'm starting to get nervous, I love him I don't wanna lose him anymore than I have. Deena and Josh convinced me that I took just as long but I'm still nervous.

"w-what what the fuck" I look over and I see Simon freaking out.

"Simon calm down, are you okay?" He looks at me.

"y/n! are you okay? are you hurt?" He tries to pull his arms out.

"don't it won't work" Deena says with all her energy drained.

"hey..." Martin says and we look at him. "where's your girlfriend Deena?"


"let me go! hey leave me alone! please I didn't do anything it was all them!" Sam gets shoved in the room and we all look at her. She's blaming us?! WE SAVED HER FUCKING LIFE WHEN SHE WENT ALL PSYCHO BITCH!

"what the fuck Sam" Deena says and Sam let's out an awkward laugh.

"let them down" All of us drop making us fall on our knees. Without hesitation, I get out of the ropes and I push and pin Sam down.

"you fucking bitch! I've been stuck here for God knows how long and you blame us! I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Me and her start fighting and Deena pulls Sam away and Simon pulls me away. Simon keeps his arms wrapped around me and me and him catch our breaths on the floor.

"stop it!" Deena yells. "this is what Nick wants!"

"he wants to kill Sam?! same me and him both can!" I get out of Simon's grip and she gets out of Deena's, we start going at it again. I get on top of her and I start punching the white out of her. Josh and Martin grab me this time. "let me go!"

"this isn't her fault y/n" Ziggy says and I calm down.

"yeah Misery-" Simon stops himself.

"...I'm gonna kill you too. why the fuck would you say that!" Martin's grip gets tighter on me.

"calm down okay, it's a name" Ziggy says.

"a name that he isn't allowed to use! you fucking know that!"

"one snapped!" Nick yells and I get tased in the neck, making me pass out.

Simon's pov

"what the fuck man!" I go up to him and I grab his shirt collar. Soon enough I get tased too.

Deena's pov

"oh my God!" I say as Simon's body drops to the floor. I cover my mouth and we all sit there in shock.

"take them to the backroom" Two people pick them up and walk away.

"get them back up" We start protesting and they don't listen.

y/n's pov

I wake up and I'm in a new location tied to a chair.

"S-Simon?" I call out hopefully he is near, I can't even see what's behind me.

"y/n" He says and I let out a sigh of relief. I assume he's tied behind me.

"are you okay"

"yeah are you"

"yeah" Since both of our hands were tied behind our backs Simon holds my hand. I let out a breath. "I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for what I said before I didn't mean it. you're the best thing that's happened to me since Heather. I love you and I don't want to lose you"

"I know y/n, I love you too. I just want you to stay safe, look, I'm some boyfriend"

"you aren't the reason I'm here, we all are the whole group, we saved the town and now we're screwed"

"yeah" We both stay silent for a second. "wait"


"where's your knife?"

" the bat leg garter you got me"

"cool, do you think you can move your chair to get your leg to my hands so we can get out"

"uh yeah" I try to move the chair which I successfully do, soon enough I get to Simon's hands. I lift my leg up and my skirt goes up showing the knife holder. "okay like right here Si" He reaches it and I explain how to get it out which he does.

"okay move back and I'll give you it"

"okay" I slowly but surely get back to my original spot and Simon hands me the knife.

"okay just be careful my hands are right here"

"no way really" I say sarcastically.

"yeah I would move them but you know"

"shhh okay before I accidentally cut you or they hear" He shuts up and I try to cut the rope.

"can you hurry up"

"I'm trying!"

"okay jeez" I get it.

"oh, I got it!"

"really?" He gets up successfully. He comes around to me.


"hi" He smiles at me, I've never seen him so beat up before. He kisses me.

"okay can you get me out"

"oh yeah," He goes around and unties me. I get up and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"thank you my love" I kiss him again.

"of course"

"let's go get help" He nods and we get our phones and pagers which Goode conveniently left right there. I grab his hand and we run out the door. "you go that way I'll go this way" I'll page you if I find a place to leave, you page me if you do"

"okay" He kisses me then we run different ways. It was dark so I couldn't see much but I can tell I got to a dead end.

"great" I take a breath because God damn I've been walking for a while.

"hey!" I hear Nick so I start booking it.

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