Peice of Shit, Good for Nothing

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"what" James asks letting out a chuckle.

"honey just tell her" Monica says.

"...I'm giving my parental rights over to Joanah, I won't have to deal with you kids anymore" I cross my arms.

"what the fuck does that mean"

"we were planning on taking Daniel to Maine first, then come and get you guys" Monica says with a smile and "Joanah" smirks.

"no.. No we aren't going we're staying here. here in Shadyside"

"honey, this week has been hard for you we saw the news you need this, to keep you safe" I look over at Simon and he's handing Daniel off to Joanah.


"your mom is right love, it's not safe here"

"we stopped the curse! it's safe!"

"y/n there are Goodes still here it's not safe until they're all gone"

"exactly thank you y/n's boyfriend" Monica says.

"fuck you!" I shove past him and I grab my coat. "I'm staying here. take the kids they're yours anyways. I'm done being the adult" I open the door and Max and Noah start protesting. I don't even look back before I walk outside and I slam the door shut. I grab my cigarette pack and lighter and I take out a smoke. I light it and I place it between my lips. I take a puff and the door opens then shuts again.

"y/n" Simon starts. "I'm sorry but it really isn't safe and-"

"you aren't in charge of me! if we were in danger we'd be gone a long time ago!"

"I know I'm not! I care about you and I don't want to see you get hurt"

"then you should've picked me up from the mall that night"

"y/n that's-"

"or you should've kept me dead in the grocery store, and an aisle down from when your dead best friend was. that hurt less than living the rest of this week"

"I'm sorry that happened! if I could change that I would I would've kept Heather alive for you God I haven't seen you smile all week and that sucks. I love you"

"if you loved me you wouldn't be giving up on me this easy. you don't love me I can never see or feel your love, you say three words Si just because you want them to be true doesn't mean they are"

"I'm not giving up on you!"

The argument just continued on and on until I said.

"you piece of shit, good for nothing asshole" His face drops and he looks at me shocked. I didn't mean it, and he knows that but it doesn't mean it didn't hurt him. "I- I didn't- I'm sorry" He rolls his eyes and pushes past me. "Simon!"

"no it's fine y/n I get your emotional right now, this really isn't the best week of our life's so I'm gonna give you a moment" He gets in his car and drives away. I groan.

"God I hate today" I get into my car and I drive in the opposite direction. I get to the mall and I push down my seats. Simon taught me how for...educational purposes. I pull out blankets and pillows I had from me and Simon's last date. I turn off the car and I lay down, trying my best to sleep.

Someone knocks on my car window and I wake up.

"can I get a ride" The girl asks. I sit up and I rub my eyes.

"yeah sure just hold on-" I get cut off by her getting in. "okay then" I put my blanket and pillow in the back seat. In hindsight this isn't the best idea considering anything is possible now but we're here now.

"someone has the book"

"what?" I finally get a good look at the person and I see it's no other than Cindy Berman. But not like the last time I saw her, now she's bleeding out of the chest her hair is messy and she's covered in something I'm hoping isn't shit. I scream but it's cut off by someone coving my mouth with a cloth soaked in something.

"shh shh everything's alright go to sleep" Is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

I wake up to a harsh light on me. I groan and try to rub my eyes but my wrists are tied together above my head and my toes are barley touching the ground. Everything comes back.

"what the fuck! hello!? look you got the wrong person I didn't take cash, drugs, weapons, nothing search-"

"shut up!" A familiar voice yells and I look to my side seeing Deena and Josh tied the same way.

"Deena, Josh, what the fuck is this"

"the book is gone, I-I don't know why we're here but I have a feeling" Josh starts.

"it's still not over" I finish and a door opens. Soon enough a passed out, beaten, and tied up Simon gets thrown in front of us. Me, Josh, and Deena start freaking out thinking he's dead.

"fuck you let me go Sheila!" I hear Ziggy yell as she and Martin get pushed into the room.

"hey hey watch it!" Martin yells. I try and pull my wrists free from the rope.

"God- Simon hold on okay we're gonna get out of this"

"no your not" A man says. Me and Deena look at each other confused because it sounds like Nick Goode. "string them up too" They start slowly getting pulled up. We all start protesting but they're already in the same position we are in. Finally the person walks out from the darkness and all our jaws drop. How is he still alive?

"I thought you killed him Deena!"


"she did, you guys are smart connect the dots" We all start thinking and it hits me, the book is gone, and he's back.

"you have a have a fucking spell! he's like them, the killers! he's one of them!"

"wow, I always knew you were smart" He walks over to me and runs his hand down my jaw.

"fuck you!" I strike him and he stumbles back.

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