My Fucked Up Family

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"I hated that lady" Simon says stuffing his face with popcorn.

"same" We all say. I look behind me and I see Max and Noah cuddled together on the couch. Someone starts slamming their hands on the front door. Everyone jumps and it even wakes up my siblings.

"y/n y/l/n so help me God if you do not open this door right now!" My aunt yells. She lives in Sunnyvale not Shadyside and my dad has been staying with her.

"it's my aunt relax" I say getting up. I open the door and she storms in.

"oh great the whole "squad" is here!"

"Sheila" Ziggy mumbles but I still hear.

"what's wrong"

"what's wrong?! you telling those fake little ghost stories on the news!?"

"it's not fake I have proof!"

"your little movie y/n? it's a horrible thing to make a joke about your friend's deaths"

"what is wrong with you!? that was real! you were at the camp when it happened to you!" I throw my hands up and she grabs my wrist hard.

"nothing happened at that camp but a psycho Shadysider killed a bunch of kids"

"you know what happened you're married to a Goode!" She slaps me across the face and everyone gasps. I hold my cheek I look at her in shock.

"you sound just like your mother. a dirty mouth lying witch just like Ziggy too!"

"yeah, we'll at least we aren't narcissistic stuck-up prissy bitches! and witches are fucking hot"

"you little shit, your mother is at the mercy of drugs for a reason, don't make it the same for you"

"hey leave her alone alright Sheila she's just a teenager, she's been through enough in the past week" Ziggy says standing up.

"you both will fucking pay. you all killed a Good man! you shouldn't be rewarded right now you should be sitting in electric chairs"

"get out!" I yell.

"fine, fine" She walks out the door and we all follow her, standing on the porch. She flips us off before getting into her car and we all do the same back even Noah and Max. She speeds off down the street.

"you handled that well" Sam says.

"if she were here for a minute longer her ass would be grass"

Simon honks the car horn and I run outside.

"hey, lover" I say leaning in the car window and placing a kiss on his lips.


"did you get the boxes or was Heather's mom already gone"

"nope, I got them" Simon gets out of the car and goes to the trunk. He opens it and we start to take the boxes of Heather's stuff out. We start to walk to the front door and a big semi pulls into the neighborhood. Me and Simon look at it as stops in front of my house. A weirdly familiar lady jumps out and smiles at me. I realize who it is.

"mom?" I mumble and I drop the boxes.

"hi y/n!" Another lady hops out of the driver's seat less excited than my mom.

A/N: hi I'm lazy and I don't wanna write y/m/n for your mom so her name is gonna be Monica like in Shameless

"hi baby!" She wraps her arms around me and I don't hug back.

"Monica." She pulls away and grabs my face.

"oh, you grew up so beautifully" I'm already sick of her I shove her off of me.

"this isn't a good time Monica"

"where's my little babies than I'll hang out with them"

"they're at school right now"

"little Daniel is in school now" She smiles.

"Jesus" Simon mumbles.

"you don't even know how old he is God that's low" I say shaking my head. Daniel starts crying inside and I've never been so happy he did. "c'mon Si" I pick up the boxes again and we walk away leaving Monica outside. We shut the door and Simon puts his pile of boxes down. He runs upstairs to get Daniel and I look out the window. Monica kisses her "mystery" woman.

"come on Moni we'll come back later for him" I raise my eyebrows.

"here's y/n, buddy, see she's right here" Simon says and I turn around seeing him lightly bouncing Daniel in his arms.

"aww hi, baby boy" I say with a smile taking him out of Simon's arms.

"y/n wake up hurry" Max says. I groan and hide my face in Simon's neck.

"she's not gonna budge Max, what's up" Simon asks.

"mom and dad are here" I sit up.

"what?!" I look at Max and I see she has hot tears rolling down her cheeks. "why"

"mom wants to take Daniel"

"oh fuck no" I throw the blankets off me and I run downstairs.

"what the fuck!" I yell and my parents and the mystery lady look at me. "why are you here" I hear Simon and Max run downstairs behind me.

"your mother wants to take Daniel"

(We're calling your dad James bc I don't wanna fully copy shameless)

"what why?!" Max sits on the couch next to Noah.

"do I have to have a reason Daniel is mine" Monica says and the mystery girl goes to pick her up but Simon beats her to it. thank God.

"he doesn't even know you!"

"I'm his mother!"

"you were my mother too!" Her eyes start watering. "and Max and Noah's"

"I know, but I have time to make things right with him"

"you abandoned us! why do you even want him!"

"me and Joanah want to start our own family" (change her name if you want)

"why don't you finish this one!"

"honey, give Joanah him" Monica says looking at Simon.

"Simon don't you dare" I say looking at him in the eyes.

"I'm his mother! she's just a little kid"

"exactly!" I yell looking back at her. "I'm a kid! you left me to take care of dad and these kids when I was fourteen! I was nine and taking care of you too! I thank you for leaving one less kid to take care of" At this point both me and her are crying, so are Noah and Max.

"now, now your mother has made mistakes in the past you can't blame her"

"...she's paying you. HOW MUCH IS SHE PAYING YOU?!"

The End || S.KWhere stories live. Discover now