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Simon's pov

y/n's little siblings moved away with their mother after y/n died, which was expected. They were gonna go either way. Everyone got over the recent tragedy, y/n, people still talked about her and the others every once and a while but overall it's died down. I quit being mascot because I only really did it for Kate and y/n but they're gone. I played with her ring as I zoned out. I got y/n's old job at the mall so I was working late. someone clears their throat and I glance at them. It was a girl with the same hair color, skin color, and eye color as y/n. I quickly look back up at her and she looks just like y/n but some things made her different. I stare at her without knowing I'm staring and she looks at me confused.

"hello?" She says. She even sounds like y/n.

"h-hi" I say with a smile.

y/n's pov

"he is not" Heather says looking at Simon.

"he likes her" I say.

"what?! no he doesn't" Kate says.

"I know dudes and I know he likes her" Ryan says. He leans over the counter and looks at her ass. "oh yup he's gonna enjoy this"

"stop it Ryan!" I say smacking his arm. He rolls his eyes and moves back.

"I'm sorry y/n I wish you could be with him" Ruby says hugging me. My face turns dark red.

"thanks Ruby I appreciate it"

"it was hard for everyone else to see the people they love move on, you four got us and we're always going to be here to help you through it because we have like no choice" Cindy says and I nod. We focus back on Simon and this girl.

"wait what's your name?" Simon says following after her.

"Danna" She says. "what's yours?"

(If that's your name you can change it obviously)


"nice name," She says walking out.

"yeah, you too!" He turns around and whispers "yeah you too? fucking idiot". He gets behind his counter again and starts working.

3rd person

Simon continued seeing the girl and y/n moved on, she thinks it's stupid watching him and being jealous. She hung out with the rest of the ghosts in the purgatory. She was fine they just observed time as it went on. Sometimes if you guys get bored you follow total strangers around for a day or you see your old friends and family. You all went to see your friend's graduation it made you sad after they threw their caps because Simon kissed her like how he kissed you but you were happy for him. He knew you were there, he saw you guys like how you saw the others after you killed Nick Goode. He even waved. Simon knew that you were there and it made him feel bad about Danna.

Simon's pov

Me, Sam, Deena, and Josh sit in a circle with candles and a ouija board in the middle, we're all leaving for college in the morning so this is my last chance. We all put our hands on the planchette and move it in a circle three times.

"we just wanna talk to our friends, we'll be gone tomorrow!" I say and everyone watches the board.

y/n's pov

Kate goes to touch the board and I pull her hands away.

"make them work for it, if they really wanna talk to us" I say and she nods.

"we'll talk to anyone from Hannah Miller to Tommy Slater we just want to talk to someone" Deena says.

"we just need to know our friends are alright" Josh says. Me and Kate look back at the rest of the spirits.

"just put your hands on the planchette and move it to letters to spell something out" Alice says. Me and Kate nod before facing back.

"go ahead y/n" Kate says and I nod. I reach my hand out and I put it on the planchette. I move it.

"h e r e. here" Sam says.

"who's here?" Simon asks. I move it again.

"(the letters in your name) y/n" Deena says. Simon's face turns to a smile.

"y/n your here?" Josh asks. I move the board to yes then goodbye.

"wait no" Simon says and I fall backwards.

"what's happening to her?!" Kate asks.

"She doesn't have enough energy, Kate talk the them I'm going to help her" Cindy says and Arnie stands me up. We go into the living room and Cindy flicks on the lamp. "touch the light" I do as I'm told and I start to feel better. I notice that as I start feeling better the light starts to go out. "okay are you alright now"

"yeah" We go back to Simon's room.

"Simon wants to talk to you" Kate says and I get on my knees. I put my hand on the planchette and I move it.

"I a m h e r e n o w I am here now" Josh says.

"y/n?" Simon asks and I move the planchette to yes. "are you okay?" I move the planchette to yes and he lets out a sigh of relief.

"who are you with?" Deena asks. "v i c t i m s. the victims of the curse?" I move it to yes.

"who exactly" Josh asks. I look back and Ruby gives me a reassuring smile. "R u b y. Ruby and who else? C i n d y. okay Cindy? A r n i e. Arnie? T o m m y. Tommy anyone else? K a t e." Josh freezes. "Kate. anyone else C o n s t a n c e Constance who's Constance?"

"a kid that pastor Miller killed" Deena says.

"okay is that everyone?" I move the planchette to yes. I want to ask a question of my own. "D a n n a Danna"

"what about Danna?" Simon asks.

"w h o i s who is"

"she's a friend"

"g r a d u a t i o n k i s s. graduation kiss" Simon sighs.

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