Tell me what?
Lets not worry about that right now. We Will talk about that when you get out of here. I have a whole girls day planned for us. You need some time to enjoy yourself and get away from all this drama.
Yea your right I do but how long are you going to be here.
Its a surprise I can't tell you right now I'll tell you later.
Yea. But I'm fena go get us something to eat and when I come back me and you are going to talk about what's been going on with you and why you haven't told me yet. You know hate being the last one to find out.
Ok. I will
Ok I'll be back in an hour try to get some rest.
I turned over and tried to get some sleep. When Jasmine came back and we sat and talked about what was going on while we ate our food. In our talk I found out that Jasmine was going to be staying down here for a couple of months and she planned this big trip to the Bahamas just the two of us. She said we were going to take the trip next month.
3 days later
The doctor finally released me to go home. Jasmin help me pack my stuff to go home. I told her she could stay with me while she was down here. I didn't want her spending all that money just to stay in a hotel. We got home early that afternoon. I unpacked took a shower and went to cook something to eat. Jasmine was unpacking her things in the guest room then I heard a knock at the door. I asked Jasmine of she could get it because I was cooking and didn't want to leave the food unattended.
And you must be Deonte.
Wassup. Aye didn't I just see you a couple of days ago?
Yea you did. Hi I'm Jasmine I'm Denise best friend from. N.Y
Nice to meet you I'm Denise's man
Yea man.. Is Denise home I really need to talk to her?
Yea she's here but I don't think she wants to talk to you.
Look all I want to do is talk to her. Just give me 10 min that's all I need.
You got 5.
Hey Jasmine who is that at the door?

Sacrifice of a Thug
Roman d'amourDenise meets a rapper/thug named deonte. she becomes his manager and then starts to encounter feelings. Until she meets a man name gerome who sweeps her off he feet. Deontes gets another girl pregnant and is in jepordy of loosing his career. WILL D...