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"Maurice! Get the fuck up, bruh! We gotta go!" Angel exclaimed, trying to snap me from out of my trance.

It's like I couldn't take my eyes off the body. Different confused, scared voices of the people sounded all around us.

I felt him pull me up right from under my arms. Angel went to go pat Jackson's pockets so he can get the keys, I'm guessing.

The whispers and stares still continued on. I go to look down at the blood on my hands in shock. Angel grabbed my hand and started to pull me away from the scene.

"Maurice, here's the keys," Angel says, handing me the keys.

He put the keys in my hands and we both get in the truck. I put the keys into the ignition before starting the car. I pull the stick backing, reversing out of the field and driving off.

"Why did we have to run?" I asked, trying to calm down my rapid breathing.

"Because if we stayed there like a bunch of idiots, they would have arrested us, Maurice! We had no choice but to go!"

"B-but we didn't do it... We d-didn't kill him," I stuttered, scared out of my mind.

"No, we didn't but they don't care if we did it or not. Even though there's hardly any evidence- we got his blood on our hands."

"Where are we going to go?" I asked, softly.

"I don't know... I guess we just drive... see where the road takes us."

I stared at the steering wheel that had fresh blood on it from my hands.

This is our life now, running fugitives.

• • • • • • • • • • •

The radio wasn't on, surprisingly. I was slumped in my seat with my arm hanging out the window as I tiredly steered the wheel through the late night.

Angel, who was scared to even close his eyes to at least attempt to get some kind of rest was awake just as tired as I am.

I glanced over and he has his seat leaned almost all the way back. The car ride was a bit awkward due to the events that happened tonight.

I decided to break the lingering silence. "Angel?"

"Hm?" The tiredness in his voice evident, although still sounding so good to me.

I licked over my lips as I glanced over at him. "You're still up? You know you can go to sleep right?"

He lets out a dry, tired chuckle. "I can't go to sleep no matter how much I try. I always think of the worse. I mean, he's really dead and here we are running like we're guilty."

I nodded my head, understanding. It wouldn't be long before our families found out about this. I'm pretty sure this is going to be on national news.

"There's nothing we can do. It still shouldn't take away from your sleep. If sumn' happens, believe me... I'll wake you up right away."

"I can always take over-"

I dismissed what he was saying with a shake of a head. "Nah, Angel. I got this." I look over to him. "I want you to sleep. I'm good."

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