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"Maurice, get yo bum ass up. We gotta go," I heard Angel say, shaking me.

I groaned and turned my back to him, pulling the covers into me. I feel him then yank them off causing me to mug him.

"Why we have to dip out so early in the mawnin'?" I groaned.

"I told you last night that we would have to leave early so we can head back on the road. Unless you just want to stay here and maybe the cops will come-"

"Aight, aight! I'm getting up! Damn!" I groaned, not being a mawnin' person at all.

I tend to cuss niggas out when they interrupt my beauty sleep. Angel was really close to getting cussed out.

"Aww, the big baby will get his nap in the car." I rolled my eyes at him talking to me like I'm a damn baby. "Now come on so we can go. I don't want to have to drag you out na'."

I get up and go to take a shower. The bathroom was already fogged up and stuffy so I knew that Angel took his shower too.

After I got my shower out the way, I left the stuffy bathroom changed- even tho there's nothing much to change and my teeth all brushed. But for some reason, I was still tired with barely doing any of that waking me up.

My eyes were low as I pouted. "I'm tied', Angel."

"Wanna stop for some breakfast when we get on the road?"

All I do is nod my head while rubbing my eyes.

"Well come on then so we can go."

I start to feel betta' afta' hearing that. The sound of food almost always changed my mood. Angel must've picked up on that and lets out a chuckle.

"Such a baby."

We soon left the motel with no problems. Before I know it, we are back on the road. The night before we went to sleep, we went over a few options on what we can do.

But there were also some options that are really slim.

• • • • • • • • • • •

We are back on the road that I'm so sick and tied' of seeing. I felt a lil betta' tho when we pulled up to this spot that I had neva' even heard of.

To distract myself, I just begin to work back on my word search that I haven't finished.

Now I forgot why I haven't done this hoe in a while.

"Why do they be having these words backwards and shit. Making it too hard," I mumbled, already getting upset.

"You have always been bad at crossword puzzles. You're bad at puzzles period."

I put my index finger to his lips causing him to raise an eyebrow at me. "Shh, I'm tryna focus."

He smacked my hand away. "It ain't gonna help. Get yourself a small coloring book at the next stop."

I dropped the small Doc McStuffins pencil in my lap.

This was the only pencil they had, aight? And the show might've slapped a lil bit too.

We decided to go through the drive thru instead of inside. We were somewhere in the country so they didn't have many places out hea'.

Angel leaned out the window with his arm hanging out of the car window and his other hand on the wheel.

He orders us two sausage biscuits, orange juice, French toast sticks, and tator tots.

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